Occupational Health and Safety
Bloodborne Pathogens   By Region   Colleges and Universities   
Consultants   Emergency Preparedness   Ergonomics   
Government Agencies   Hazardous Substances   Lasers   
Medicine   MSDS   Occupational Hygiene   
OHS Management Systems   Organizations   Publications   
Web Pages
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The department of the US government with the responsibility to ensure safety and healthful work environments.
Practical advice and news about health care safety regulations from the government and the JCAHO.
A Call For Accountability
Six time prevailing whistle blower Joe Carson reveals the work and community health related problems of the DOE and his battles against them in court.
A category guide to various safety internet websites.
Osha Defense League
Provides information and sources for regulator compliance, health, safety and human resources. Includes training, news, plans, guides and extensive links.
An online resource summarizing current literature on occupational safety and health.
Data sheets on impure and pure metals. Alphabetical by name of metal in Adobe Acrobat format.
GTE Developments
For manufacturers who need to determine what hazards are associated with their products and then produce safety data sheets. Product details. UK company.
Information and resources on behavioural safety and reducing accidents in the workplace. Includes on line forum, articles, links and references.
Meridian Engineering & Technology, Inc.
Provides reference data sheets on numerous subjects and the health and safety concerns associated with them.
Occupational Health Net
Independent directory and community for Occupational Health professionals including news, links and reviews.
All About OSHA
Workplace safety management resources for small business, construction and general industry. A complete and organized approach to OSHA safety management that is both comprehensive and cost effective to implement. (Paperworks)
Safety Info.Com
A comprehensive source for free safety information for business and industry. Coverage of all aspects of safety in many different industries. Includes many links to other safety resources. [US Bias]
WCB Worksafe Health and Safety Centre
An online resource for injury prevention information from the WCB, and workplace health and safety resources across the Web.
A community and infomediary resource center for health, safety, environmental and fire protection issues.