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Web Pages
Kock Pouch Information
Information and description of this surgical procedure and a list of surgeons who perform them.
Living With Colostomy
A young persons guide. Before, during and after the operation. Includes a chat channel where you can talk about your ostomy problems.
An appliance-free continent ileostomy for those with unresponsive bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis, FAP or unsatisfactory Brooke ileostomies, malfunctioning Kock pouches and failed J-pouches.
Ostomy/J Pouch Web Ring
It gathers sites with information, pics, message boards, chat channels, personal pages of ostomates.
Parastomal Hernias
A description of this disease and of the different techniques of surgical repair available today.
The World Ostomate
Magazine for ostomates providing information, news, links.
Ostomies and Stomal Therapy
Includes the history of stomas, how they're constructed and some common complications following surgery.(Medical Speak).
Washington County Hospital: Ostomy Program
This hospital provides services for pre and post operatory education for patients. Address and phone for contact.
Frequent asked questions about this condition provided by Dr. Robert Cloud, a colon rectal surgeon.
Zassi Medical Evolutions: Continent Ostomy Port
This system is a revolutionary, non-surgical system that should restore continence to millions of men, women and children in the next future.
Enterostomal Therapy
Information from the Cleveland Clinic on recovering from ostomy surgery.
Cymed Ostomy Products
Information about products for ostomies, intestinal and urological.
Different Ostomies
Descriptions of different types of ostomies, of their complications and cares.
Ileostomy, Colostomy, and Ileoanal Reservoir Surgery
Short descriptions of these kinds of surgery, with some address for information.
Pratical Aspects of Stoma Management
Overview of common problems and their management, educational for nurses, provided from the Royal College of Nursing. (PDF file)
A new technique and catheter changing the lives of patients with fecal incontinence