Resistance Issues         
Web Pages
Antibiotic Guide
This guide from Johns Hopkins University provides current information about using antibiotics for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
Contains information about why your doctor prescribes antibiotics for you.
Where Are My Antibiotics?
A discussion of antibiotic overuse, resistance, and why you don't need an antibiotic every time that you get sick.
Antimicrobial Agents Used in Treatment of Infectious Disease
An examination of the biological mechanisms by which antibiotics exert their effects.
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC)
Premier meeting on infectious diseases and antimicrobial agents, organized by the American Society for Microbiology. Includes information on conferences, continuing education, and products and services.
What the Heck is an Antibiotic?
John C. Brown provides an expanded definition for antibiotics.
Penicillin Derivatives
Provides classification and descriptions of Penicillin derivatives.
Virtual Hospital Rx Update: Sulfonamide Cross-Sensitivity Reactions
Information for health-care providers concerning allergy to "sulfa" compounds. Discusses the additional drug allergies that may be found in affected patients.