Web Pages
The NIDDK prolactinoma information site discusses the cause of prolactinomas, treatment, specific symptoms, diagnosis, affects of pregnancies, and sites other resources.
eMedicine - Prolactinoma : Article by Venkatesh Babu Segu, MD
An article on prolactinoma covers background, frequency, and history, medical and surgical care.
UpToDate Patient Resource Center: Pituitary gland
The site discusses signs, symptoms, diagosis, and treatment of prolactinomas.
Prolactinoma Information for Patients from MGH/Harvard Neuroendocrine Clinical center
UCLA NEUROSURGERY | Pituitary Disorders & Diseases
Prolactinoma information site from UCLA Neurosurgery
Treatment of Prolactinomas
A personal prolactinoma help site by Christopher Anthistle. Gives suggestions on how to deal with prolactinomas.
OHSU Pituitary Unit - Prolactinoma
A prolactinoma is a prolactin secreting pituitary tumor. In most cases a prolactinoma can be treated with medications called dopamine agonists. These medications will usually lower the prolactin level to normal and dramatically shrink the tumor.