Drug Interactions
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Simvastatin (Zocor) and Impotence
Five men with coronary artery disease developed impotence within one week of starting treatment with simvastatin 10 mg or having the dose increased to 20 mg (three men); they also had profound lethargy and inertia. Drug treatment for heart disease (aspirin alone in two patients) was not changed. Within one week of stopping simvastatin sexual function was restored.
Losartan (Cozar) and Impotence
Many commonly used antihypertensive drugs such as diuretics and beta-blockers can interfere with sexual function in both sexes, causing loss of libido, impairment of erectile function and ejaculation in men, and delay or prevent orgasm in women. <after this study>It is therefore concluded that losartan may have an advantage in preservation of sexual function when used clinically for the treatment of hypertensive disorders.
Family Practice Notebook: Medication Causes of Impotence
Addressing primary care providers in their pursuit of optimal care.