Palliative Care
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Web Pages
Children's Hospice International
Provides a network of support and care for children with life-threatening conditions and their families. Membership information, publications, guidelines for how to tell children and discussion board.
University of Ottawa Institute of Palliative Care
A Canadian center for advanced training, research and scholarship in palliative and hospice care. The institute's mission is to increase the quality of life for people with terminal illness. [English, French]
Hospice Care Ring
A place for hospice workers, caregivers, and people who know first hand about grief and healing to come together to share ideas, and help each other.
Growth House
Resources for bereavement and grief, death and dying, death with dignity, euthanasia, hospice, palliative care, suicide, terminal illness, AIDS, HIV, and related topics.
Tennessee End of Life Partnership
A nonprofit organization, aiming at continually defining and promoting optimum practices in end of life care. Offers membership information, updates and related links.
Crossing the Creek
A practical guide to dying process for the dying and caregivers, written by a nurse. Explains normal changes, interventions and the work of dying.
Stop Pain
Consumer and professional health education on the treatment of chronic pain plus information on palliative care for those with long-term illness.
Symptoms in Terminal Illness
Articles, definitions and issues in terminal illness.