Articles and Research
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Web Pages
Distinctions between Self-Esteem and Narcissism
Essay regarding self-esteem as a goal of early childhood education, distinctions between self-esteem and narcissism and appropriate practices. Contains references and a bibliography.
United Press International: Narcissism in the Boardroom
A UPI analytic essay about the manifestations of pathological narcissism in the workplace.
United Press International: Corporate Narcissist
A UPI analysis of narcissism in corporate settings, the impact narcissists have on the workplace and proposed methods of coping.
Dual Diagnosis and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The narcissist and substance abuse - overview of the disorder, sypmtoms and treatment options.
Narcissism versus Sociopathy
Today's generation is presenting a potential new dimension of what was once a relatively rare and benign pathology - narcissistic personality disorder.
Narcissism At Work
Slide presentation by Dattner Consulting regarding narcissism at work.
Narcissistic Personality: Functional and Structural Domain Descriptions
Personality Disorders are disorders of the entire matrix of the person and require operational attributes sampled from all important domains of personality.
Narcissistic-Perfectionistic-Aggressive Personality Type
Article about a theory of narcissistic-aggressive personality traits, perfectionism, and the explosive personality disorder.
Personality Test Prerequisite: The Role of Narcissism
Personality analysis: A personality test is valid only if based on the genetic traits of narcissism, perfectionism and aggression.
A Primer on Narcissism
An essay regarding the formation, characteristics, dynamics and inter-relationships of pathological narcissism.
Were You Raised By A Narcissistic Father?
Children who grew up with a NPD parent are often wounded in specific ways as adults.
Who's the Fairest of Them All?
A doctoral dissertation regarding the impact of narcissism on self- and other- rated fairness in the workplace.
You Owe Me: Children of Entitlement.
Article on selfish behavior in children and narcissism.
Voicelessness: Narcissism
Many people spend a whole lifetime trying to repair a wounded self by inflating it. They are mistitled "narcissists".
Narcissism - Wikipedia
Wikipedia article regarding pathological narcissism and its manifestations in art and life.
Open Site - Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Open site encyclopedia entry about pathological narcissism, the legend of narcissus, characteristics and traits of the disorder and other information.
Narcissistic Trauma and Abuse in Cults
Cult leaders as pathological, or malignant narcissists and the dynamic that enmeshes them and their followers.