Web Pages
The Inverted Codependent
Codependents who prefer narcissists and psychopaths - symptoms, characterology, and coping advice.
Dependent Personality Disorder
American and European diagnostic criteria and treatment options.
PTypes - Dependent Personality Disorder Criteria
The diagnostic criteria for Dependent Personality Disorder and a list of links to the primary web pages on the subject.
Open Site - Dependent Personality
Characteristics and traits of the dependent personality (codependent) and cultural and societal considerations.
Dual Diagnosis and the Dependent Personality Disorder
The codependent and substance abuse.
BehaveNet® Clinical Capsule™ - Dependent Personality Disorder
The DSM IV-TR diagnostic criteria of the disorder and recommended literature.
Codependency & Recovery from Codependent Relationships
Questions and answers about codependency.
Codependency Recovery Web
Symptoms of Codependency, resources and information for partners and children of codependents.
Codependent Love
The difference between love and infatuation and why codependent people are inclined to get into abusive relationships.
Codependents Anonymous for Parents
Support group for codependent parents.
Chatroom and resources for codependents.