Sjogren's Syndrome
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Web Pages
Sjogren's Syndrome: A Guide for the Patient
From Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation
British Sjogren's Syndrome Association
Basic information about this syndrome and the Association.
Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, Inc
Information about the foundation and its membership as well as explanation of this disease, links and news and events.
The Swedish Sjögren´s Syndrome Association
Non-profit organisation, founded in 1989, provides patients with practical information. Dual language (Swedish/English)
Sjogren's Syndrome
Easy to read description of the syndrome and its symptoms.
Description of Sjogren's Syndrome
An easy-to-understand site for people wanting to know the basics about this disease.
Sjogren's Syndrome: Medstudents
A review of its definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
Sjogren's Syndrome
A description of this syndrome and a look at the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments to help with the symptoms.
Sjogren's Syndrome Support, SjSWorld
Sjogren's support in the form of Live Chats, E-Pals (internet pen-pals), message boards, articles, and links.
Sjogren's Syndrome
Information page compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Sjogren's Angels
Easy to understand information on Sjogrens Syndrome. Meet some real Sjogren's Angels for support and understanding.
Sjögren's Syndrome
Cause, symptoms, diagnosis, duration, prevention, treatment and prognisis. InteliHealth content reviewed by the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.
Sjogren's Syndrome New Zealand
Details about the group and its workshops as well as the disease.
Sjögren's Syndrome Clinic
Research clinic of the US National Institutes for Health. Background information, current clinical studies and current lab studies.
Lynne's Sjogren's Syndrome
Symptoms, tips and stories provided by a fellow sufferer.
Almark's Sjögren's Syndrome Site
Information about symptoms and diagnosis from a SJS patient, including a FAQ and articles.
SJSAngels · Sjogren's Angels
Yahoo group offering support and understanding to others that have been diagnosed or are intersted in this condition.
Sjögren's Syndrome Genetic Study
Open research study from the University of Minnesota to identify and understand genetic factors contributing to SJS.