Amenorrhea   Dysmenorrhea   Menorrhagia   
Premenstrual Syndrome   Toxic Shock Syndrome      
Web Pages
Tampax Community for Girls/Women
A community for young girls, teenagers and women worldwide where they can express their feelings about health issues and get answers to important questions.
Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
Articles, images, humor, and other resources about the cultural history of menstruation, methods of managing it, and related aspects of female health.
It's My Body
Site for women by Stayfree.
The Red Spot: Menstrual Culture
The Red Spot is an information source for women and girls about their periods.
Or, who says women can't stand the sight of blood? by Alana Wingfoot.
Am I Normal?
by Alana Wingfoot
Always a Woman
This is a good site for mothers and daughters to explore together.With pages for each,You can find the answers that you both are looking for.
The TLounge
A place where young women can find answers about menstruation.
Kotex - Information, Answers and Chat
Topics for girls, women, parents, and teachers while providing information on menstruation, periods, Feminine Hygiene and Feminine Products.
The Sabbath of Women
Article by Lara Owen (author of "Her Blood Is Gold") about making peace with menstruation.
Ruth's Page
Tampons - what you don't know could hurt you.
A Parents' Guide For Preparing Daughters
Ideas on how to discuss menstruation from opening the discussion to setting the stage for future talks.
The Cycles Page
A web-based application for tracking and predicting monthly menstrual periods.
Finding Out Why Your Periods are Abnormal
Information on the causes of missing, irregular or otherwise abnormal menstruation.
My Period Trends
Calculate and print out your mentruation cycle period. Set reminder via email.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Describes in detail how TCM practitioners in China solve menoxenia with traditional Chinese strategies and herbs.
The Period Pages
Provides information, positive attitudes and resources about menstruation, women's health, spirituality, and puberty.
Menstruation Relief
Ladys' Agenda will minimize or, in many cases, alleviate the pain associated with menstrual cramps.
BrainPop: Your Period
Shockwave flash movie and quiz to learn about the menstrual cycle.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding that doesn’t have any apparent underlying anatomical abnormality, such as a fibroid, lesion, or tumor.
Offers details about the panti liner, products available and contact information.
Soft-Tampons Gynotex
Offers information about the product, instructions and contact details.
Offers information about their product, the string tanga.
Epigee Guide
Why is my period late? A list of common causes for menstrual cycle disturbances, including birth control side-effects, stress, pregnancy and fibroids. Menstruation
Menstration covers the basics for young women, as well as details of what you should expect and when bleeding is excessive.
The Sacred Cycle
A powerful and transformational work which addresses what it is to be female. It empowers women by embracing the biological cycle and dispels the negative programming women receive from society.
Offers advice a woman needs about periods, menstruation, health and well being, and PMS. Includes maternity and menopause.
Gallery of art works created with tampons, letters section, articles, and links.
All about Menstruation - from FWHC
What really happens during those 28 days? All about ovulation, hormones, cycles, PMS, Menopause, fertility awareness, and customs and traditions of various cultures.
Menstrual Disorders
Women's Health Interactive: Menstrual Disorders and their treatment.
Gynecologic Health Center
Women's Health Interactive: The normal menstrual cycle is really quite beautiful.
WebMD - Irregular Cycles
Article describing common menstrual disorders.
Menstrual Delay or Skipping
Answers to frequently asked questions about irregularities in the menstrual cycle, particularly late or skipped periods.
Menstrual Disorders
Explains the irregular menstruation cycle including abnormal menstrual bleeding and missed periods. Notes common diagnoses and treatments for menstrual disorders.