Health Level 7 - HL7         
Web Pages
Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12
Develops standards, in X12 and XML formats, and maintains, interprets, publishes and promotes the proper use of American National and UN/EDIFACT International Electronic Data Interchange Standards. Includes membership, committes, meetings, news and press releases and subcommittee details.
Development of Standards for Health Informatics
Powerpoint presentation concerning the Australian standards group IT 14. Author: Peter Williams, Department of Health, New South Wales, Australia.
Information Technology and Applications Standards Group
Details of IT 14 subgroups and technical committees and subcommittees within Standards Australia, Contact details for Projects Managers provided.
The power of positive ID
Value of unique patient identifiers. Author: D. Rowlands (Chairman of Standards Australia’s Working Group IT/14/9/3 Patient Identification).
Medical Software Industry Association
Active in Australia since 1995 representing vendors and developers at the government level on initiatives such as Health Online, as well as a range of forums, working groups and committees. Members details, discussion, links, events are shown.
Australian Pathology Code Lists
A common set of request codes for software manufacturers for electronic ordering, a reference terminology suitable for coding research requests and a maintained list of "abbreviations" for accounts under Australian Health Insurance Act. Developed through Standards Australia IT-14-6-5. Details of downloads, feedback, descriptions and links.
National Health Information Standards Advisory Committee
Overview of the work of NHISAC in Australia. Key achievements, terms of reference, membership, publications, projects and related links.
Setting the Standards - a national health information standards plan for Australia.
Provides stakeholders with an Australian position on national directions for health information standards in the health sector and the basis for further investment of effort and resources part of Australian Health On-Line initiative. Authors: Australian Government.
Report on Pathology Request Codes (Extract)
Provided to Australian Department of Health by Standards Australia on establishment of an agreed set of pathology result codes. Authors: Standards Australia IT-14-6-5 working group.
Duke University, Medical Informatics Standards
A repository of information on a number of widely used and important standards for use in Informatics.
American National Standards Institute’s Healthcare Informatics Standards Board (ANSI HISB)
provides an open, public forum for the voluntary coordination of healthcare informatics standards among all USA standards developing organizations.