Conditions and Diseases
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Web Pages
Abortion in Sheep
Advice from the Veterinary Investigation Centre, Langford.
Abortions in Sheep
Answers the questions: "What should I do?" and "How should I approach the problem?"
Avoid Foot Rot Like the Plague
Prevention of footrot is the only practical way of dealing with this problem.
Be Worm Aware!
Conditions that favor internal parasite development.
Club Lamb Fungus Disease
Club lamb fungus disease is a threat to both animals and humans. This guide reports on the disease cause, symptoms and treatment methods.
Causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Contagious Foot Rot of Sheep
Foot rot is a serious, contagious disease of sheep in which the horny hoof tissue is involved and undermined. Once established, it usually remains in a flock unless a systematic treatment program is used to eradicate it.
Contagious Foot Rot of Sheep - An Update
Foot rot is a serious contagious disease of sheep that has become a common problem in the western states in recent years. Once established in a flock, it usually remains until a consistent treatment program eliminates it. This disease must be differentiated from other foot problems if it is to be successfully treated.
Control of Foot Rot in Sheep
"Footrot and dogs have driven more people out of the sheep business than any other reason". There is probably much truth to statements like this. Footrot is a serious problem in Indiana and surrounding states that has had a strong negative impact on our sheep industry.
Enterotoxemia in Lambs
Causes, prevention and treatment of "overeating" or "pulpy kidney" disease.
How to recognize and manage this chronic infection of the epididymis and testes associated with lowered ram fertility.
Fighting and Winning the Parasite Battle in Sheep
Worms: sheep get them, shepherds try to kill them. For a control and prevention program, some knowledge of type of parasites, life cycle of parasite, sheep susceptibility, anthelmintics (dewormers) available, management options available, local and regional considerations, and whole farm prevention programs are necessary to win the battle.
Foot and Mouth Disease
Information on the disease from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Foot and Mouth Disease Links
Latest information provided by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Foot Rot
Steps to control, treat, and eliminate.
Footrot Control (1990)
Causes, prevention and treatment of this common cause of lameness in sheep.
Footrot in Sheep: Benign Footrot
Benign footrot, also known as scald or non progressive footrot, is a common condition of Victorian sheep flocks. Benign strains have similar survival and transmission features to those of virulent strains of the same organism.
Footrot in Sheep: Diagnosis
This Agriculture Note gives information on how to diagnose footrot
Footrot in Sheep: Disease Facts
Ovine (sheep) footrot is a serious disease which has long been dreaded by sheep owners. It is a disease which causes severe economic loss, suffering due to lameness and disruption to normal farm operations. The economic losses result from reduced body weight and growth, decreased wool production and restrictions to marketing opportunities.
Footrot in Sheep: Prevention and Damage Control
Footrot! How can I keep it out? What can I do if my flock gets it? A vendor declaration form is also included.
Footrot in Sheep: Treatment
This Agriculture Note discusses treatment options.
Gestational Psittacosis in a Montana Sheep Rancher
This site contains an article about a woman that was exposed to Chlamydia psittaci from sheep while pregnant.
Handling Internal Worm Parasitism in Sheep
Acquaints the reader with methods of preventing, controlling, and treating parasitism in sheep.
Internal Parasites
Life cycles, drench resistance, lab tests and other information.
Internal Parasites of Sheep
Simple and concise information for agriculturists, veterinarians and extension workers in Australia. It may also be useful for students at tertiary institutions and to workers from around the globe. Illustrated with line drawings. These will be augmented with photographs over time.
Johne's Disease in Sheep
Good discussion regarding Johne's disease (pronounced yonee's), a bacterial disease of ruminants characterized by wasting and diarrhea.
Description of the mammary gland system, causes of mastitis and methods to treat and prevent inflammation of the mammary gland or udder of the ewe.
OPP and Sheep Health Facts
Fact sheets describe the disease and methods of eradication. Also includes membership information for the "OPP Concerned Sheep Breeders Society" and a veternarian referral list.
Ovine Brucellosis
Ovine brucellosis (OB) is a bacterial disease of sheep found throughout Australia and characterised by infertility in rams. Learn how to diagnose and control this serious problem.
Ovine brucellosis
Discusses economic loss from ovine brucellosis. Covers signs of the disease in rams and ewes, effects on flock fertility, spread of infection, three diagnostic methods, eradication from stud flocks and accredited free flocks.
Ovine Progressive Pneumonia in Sheep
Provides information on ovine progressive pneumonia, a common disease in sheep. Covers prevalence, transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis, and control and eradication of the disease. Includes color photos showing infected lungs and microscopic cross-sections of lungs. For sheep
Ovine vibriosis
Ovine vibriosis is an infectious disease of breeding ewes causing abortion in late pregnancy. It is caused by the bacteria Campylobacter fetus. Signs, spread, treatment and prevention.
Pizzle Rot
Symptoms, progression and treatment of this potentially serious problem affecting rams.
Factors to consider when outbreaks of pneumonia occur.
Pregnancy Toxemia
Symptoms, treatment and prevention.
Preventing Pasture Bloat in Sheep
Bloat can be a sudden and lethal occurrence for sheep. Often, unless the livestock is being monitored closely, the first symptom one notices is dead or distressed animals.
Ringworm and Club Lamb Fungus
Tips to limit the spread of this ringworm type disease which is caused by a fungus.
Voluntary Flock Certification Program, FAQ and links.
Scrapie Information
Information about this fatal progressive neurological disorder of sheep from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Sheep arthritis
Discusses causes, clinical signs, treatment and prevention of arthritis in sheep, an inflammation of the joints of the legs.
Sheep Ked
Information to help you identify Melophagus ovinus, the so-called "sheep tick."
Topical Footrot Treatment
Instructions for treating with solution of oxytetracycline in alcohol.
Udder Diseases of Sheep
There are two major udder disease problems of ewes, hardbag and bluebag. They both tend to occur sporadically and are frustrating for producers to treat or prevent.
Urinary Calculi in Growing Lambs
Factors predisposing young rams to urinary crystals and blockage of the urethra.
USDA APHIS VS Scrapie Information
Links to information about the disease, certification program and proposed rules.
Using Aggressive Flock Management to Avoid Foot Problems
The author details the steps she has taken to avoid the introduction of the bacterium Dichelobacter Nodosus onto her ranch.
Control of Internal Parasites in Sheep
Things to keep in mind when developing an effective parasite control program. (Virginia)
Controlling Internal Parasites in Sheep
To effectively control internal parasites at a reasonable cost, one needs to understand the interaction between the worms and sheep, have knowledge of the parasite life cycle and use dewormers and other management practices wisely.
Sheep Dipping
Extensive information from the UK Health & Safety Executive on sheep dipping; including hazards and safety, proper treatment, controls.