Infectious Diseases
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Web Pages
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Tracking trends and analyzing new and reemerging infectious disease issues around the world. Online issues available.
All the Virology on the WWW
Information about viruses and infectious disease. With over 4,000 links, tutorials, viral images, and other information, this site is gold mine for anyone interested in learning more about viruses.
Center for Complex Infectious Diseases
The Center founded by Dr. W. John Martin, a researcher of stealth viruses.
The American Experience | Influenza 1918
Information on the film from the PBS series. Features include, maps, timelines and people and events relating to this devastating occurance.
American Museum of Natural History - Epidemic
An exhibition exploring the "World of Infectious Disease."
Science News Online
The 1918 influenza pandemic.
Infectious Disease News
Is another influenza pandemic coming soon? Researchers investigate Spanish influenza sample found in WWI soldier's lungs.
Parasites in Humans - How Common are Parasites
Article about prevelance of human parasites.
Infectious Diseases of the Central Nervous System
A multimedia tutorial designed to provide an overview of the various infectious disease processes which involve the central nervous system (CNS). Infections are illustrated with pathology slides and photomicrographs.
(ANSORP) Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens
A international organization for surveillance studies of antimicrobial resistance and performance in clinical trials in the Asian region.
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative
World Health Organization website on all aspects of the global initiative to eradicate poliomyelitis, including technical information on polio, vaccines against polio, the current status of erdication by WHO Region, and background material.
Surveillance Resources, National Center for Infectious Diseases
Information about disease surveillance systems and programs within NCID. Links to surveillance reports, data, publications.
DoD Global Emerging Infections System
Support of global surveillance, training, research, and response to emerging infectious disease threats. Global disease reduction efforts through: centralized coordination; improved preventive health programs and epidemiological capabilities; and enhanced involvement with military treatment facilities and United States and overseas laboratories.
Will We Be Compassionate During the Next Epidemic?
Each generation of physicians is confronted with the specter of unknown diseases. The current, likely waning, epidemic is...
National Center for Infectious Diseases
A large, searchable database of articles about diseases; resources for scientists, physicians, travelers; publications; training programs.