Web Pages |
TheraTears |
Information about a therapy that restores conjunctival goblet cells in dry eye. |
Tinactin |
Provides the fungus-related answers you've been itching for; also, guidelines for sports training and injury prevention and treatment. (Tolnaftate) |
Triaminic |
Join the Triaminic Parents Club or learn more about the right medicines for your child's coughs, colds and allergies. |
Tricomin |
Hair care products with the energizing power of Triamino Copper Nutritional Complex. |
Gastrosite |
Designed for healthcare professionals, this site contains information about TRITEC plus clarithromycin and gastrointestinal disorders. |
Tetrathiomolybdate |
Some comments on the use of TM for copper reduction cancer treatment. |
Triple sulfa |
A combination of drugs from the class of drugs called sulfonamides used in combination to treat a variety of infections.(Dayto Sulf, Gyne-Sulf, Sultrin, Trysul, VVS) |