Associations   Pulmonary      
Web Pages
Veritas Medicine
Clinical trial listings for high blood pressure. Perform a personalized search to find ongoing clinical trials that match your needs.
Iowa Women's Health Center
An in-depth look at high blood pressure in pregnancy.
Nutritionist Maureen Keane on High Blood Pressure Disorder
Dietary recommendations, as well as information on salt reduction, the Dash Diet, and the benefits of potassium.
Dangers of High Blood Pressure
Discusses definition, risk factors, and symptoms. [University of Michigan Health System]
University of Pennsylvania Health System
An extensive look at hypertension including risk factors, what it is, testing and treatment options.
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH)
Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference.
Health Canada
Provides data and statistics, objectives and responsibilities for hypertension.
MCW Health Link
Articles on hypertension, including a quiz to test ones knowledge about this disorder.
Mamas Health
An extensive look at what blood pressure is, including what it means and how to control it.
Dr Blood Pressure
Information about hypertension, including the damage, how to measure and what to do in case of a high reading.
High Blood Pressure Website
Features drug information, the latest news, message boards and personal online medical calendar and diary. [Free registration required]
Guide to Lowering High Blood Pressure
Patient-oriented guide from the National Institutes of Health.
American Heart Association
Facts about high blood pressure and how to live a more heart-healthy life along with some recipes.
Rose Men's Health Resource
An article on how to keep your blood pressure under control. Includes a description, the causes, symptoms and some tips.
Learn about hypertension. Images as well as links to articles about woman and high blood pressure, headaches, symptoms, measuring, stress and related diseases.
McKinley Health Center
A look at factors that affect hypertension and what blood pressure means.
A free online resource for people with high blood pressure, which helps users monitor their health and improve understanding. Registration required.
Cardiology Channel
Treatment, diagnosis, and information on high blood pressure and how to control it. Monitored by board-certified physicians.
Health News
Summaries of the latest research concerning detection, prevention and treatment of hypertension.
This topic is discussed in five sections, importance of knowing about hypertension, how it is checked, how to prevent, what else may prevent it and recap and more information. Also a sample walking program.
A look at the causes, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension.
Medicine Net
A focus on high blood pressure: Medical information about hypertension, its treatment, therapies and prevention.
Hypertension and Health
Novartis explains what high blood pressure is, how to tell if you have it, lowering the risks and treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hypertension
Describes in detail how TCM practitioners in China solve this disorder with traditional strategies and herbs.
Promotes healthy living by providing the general public with educational material, drug information, community events and support for the cause and treatment of hypertension.
Advice on Hypertension
Information about high blood pressure including the causes and how to prevent it.
The Merck Manual
Discussion on signs and symptoms, diagnosing, treatment and life style modification for arterial hypertension.
Natural Healthlink
Detailed information on hypertension/high blood pressure, the symptoms, treatments, diet changes and related nutritional and herbal supplements.
Pediatric Oncall-High Blood Pressure in Children
Hypertension; its causes and treatment.
Cozaar and Hyzaar.com
Information about the control and treatment of hypertension or high blood pressure (HBP). It is intended for health care professionals in the United States only.
Genetics of Hypertension and Related Phenotypes
A resource containing details of genetic polymorphisms and associated phenotypes crosslinked with medline and OMIM. The information is categorised by gene, polymorphism and result of the study.
eMedicine: Hypertensive Heart Disease
Cardiologist offers a clinical report on common heart conditions caused by elevated blood pressure. Learn about coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation and their link to this disorder.
All About Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
Information on hypertension, including risk factors and effects.
Newsletter on high blood pressure and angina available on subscription. Some sample articles available online. Cardisense provides helpful information on living a healthy lifestyle.
National High Blood Pressure Education Program
From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Links to teaching resources and publications.
Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents (Systemic)
Patient advice on beta-blocker medications used in the treatment of high blood pressure, including brand names Lopressor, Inderal, Propranolol, Atenolol, and several others. Intelihealth USP Drug Database, Johns Hopkins Health Information.
About High Blood Pressure
Patient-oriented information on high blood pressure including symptoms, causes, risk factors, prevention and treatment.
General Practice Notebook - Hypertension
Clinically-oriented information on the different types.
eMedicine Health - High Blood Pressure
Consumer health resource center providing an overview of hypertension and its causes, symptoms and treatment.
WebMD - The Hypertension Center
Comprehensive patient-oriented information on hypertension.
Hypertension News - Topix.net
News on hypertension/high blood pressure collected from diverse sources on the web.