Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Web Pages
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Yes or No?
Making the decision to use HRT has never been a simple one, and new studies have made the choice even more complicated.
Ladies Home Journal: Hormone Replacement Therapy
Information on hormone replacement therapy and how it can help with breast cancer, heart disease, and other problems.
Pros and Cons of HRT from Scanlon's Health Update
Provides a pros and cons table on hormone replacement therapy.
Pros and Cons of Hormone Therapy
Includes an objective discussion on the subject of HRT by the Canadian Women's Health Network.
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Covers estrogen, progesterone and testosterone therapies.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Information
Describes some pros and cons of HRT. Promotes an herbal alternative product.
For Some Women, HRT Benefits Outweigh the Risks
A brief Q&A relating to the risks and benefits of HRT therapy from the Medical College of Wisconsin.