Web Pages |
Ibuprofen |
Information from the RxList. |
Motrin IB |
Information on this Ibuprofen product. |
Nurofen Worldwide |
Information and clinical information on Nurofen. |
Advil |
Provides product information for US consumers. |
Spine-Health |
Information on Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil, Nuprin, Motrin) for treating back pain. |
Motrin |
Features product information and free trial offers for Canadian residents as well as headache and pain information. |
DrugDigest: Ibuprofen |
Information on dosage, usage, side effects, interactions, and drug comparisons including generics when available. |
Advil |
Manufacturer's information and explanation of indications for this over the counter pain reliever. |
Virtual Children's Hospital: Ibuprofen |
Quick answers to parents' common questions about this medication. |