Web Pages
Pediatric Nurse Jobs
Search database of current positions (USA), or post a resume to searchable public database.
Nurse Pediatrics
List of links to Continuing Education Units from various providers.
Pediatric Pain
Instructions for subscribing to this mailing list for professionals, parents, and children.
Pediatric Nursing News and Resources
Features daily updates of news, job information, tips, and links.
Pediatric Critical Care Nursing
Resources, training program information, intensive care jobs database.
International Labour Organization: Occupational Hazard Datasheet
A detailed summary of potential work hazards and preventative measures.
Paediatric Nursing Forum
UK based forum for the sharing of information and discussion on all aspects of children's nursing.
Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children
Companion resource for the book. Includes National Council Licensure Examination questions, case studies and related links for each chapter.
Wong on Web
Information and updates for books by Donna Wong. Also news, articles, links to related resources.