Web Pages
Hypoglycemia Support Foundation
Non-profit organization promoting a greater awareness for blood sugar disorders.
Hypoglycemia Forum
Dedicated to providing sufferers of hypoglycemia and their family members with information and support. People with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are also welcome.
Hypoglycemia Holland
Offers information for those with non-diabetic hypoglycemia: links, literature lists, diets, useful addresses and FAQs.
Sweet Nothings
A newsletter exclusively for sufferers of hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia Treatment
Find helpful suggestions on how many people have found relief with symptoms of hypglycemia (low blood sugar).
NKH Parent Network
For parents with children with Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH), a rare and still uncurable metabolic disorder.
Hypoglycemia on NIDDK
Symptoms, causes, research, and resources on hypoglycemia.
Medicinal Herbs Online: Hypoglycemia
Definition, causes, symptoms, nutrients, herbs, recommendations, and more on dealing with hypoglycemia.
Children with Diabetes: Hypoglycemia
Ask the Diabetes Team: Hypoglycemia. Parents of children asking questions regarding this condition.
Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia
Details about this non-profit organization which brings information on Hypoglycemia, psychotherapy and clinical nutrition. Includes articles, links and newsletters.
Message thread in Section 4 (Hypoglycemia) in CompuServe
Written by Barrett Chapin, MD, who tells us his specialty is endocrinology.
Pediatric database on Hypoglycemia
Definition, and diagnosis.
Hypoglycemia - Diabetes
Diabetes and You: Emergency in Hypoglycemia.
Addison's Disease in relation to Hypoglycemia
Addison's disease can cause irritability and depression. Because of salt loss, craving of salty foods also is common. Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is more severe in children than in adults.
Hypoglycemia Diet, Suggested Meal Plan
Ask your doctor, before starting any diet. This meal plan was given by author who has Hypoglycemia.
HAI Bulletin 44 on Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia And Hypoadrenocorticism
Bulletin #44, This bulletin is not meant to be medical advice. It is written by lay people, dedicated to helping those with hypoglycemia. All cases are individual. If you need medical advice, see your physician.
Hypoglycemia Discussion Board
Please post your experiences with hypoglycemia here. You will find the answers to your questions, as well as support when your blood sugar just isn't behaving.
Russ's Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Page
Links to diabetes/hypoglycemic information including research, reference, treatment options, symptoms, and recipes.
Hypoglycemia - Low Blood Sugar
Pathological, Physiological considerations and treatment.
Children with PHHI
A discussion forum for parents with children who suffer from the genetic disorder Presistant Hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemia of Infancy, which used to be known as Nesioblastosis.
American Academy of Family Physicians: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia
Nocturnal Hypoglycemia in Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Tips from other journals - American Family Physician, September 15, 1997.
Emedicine Emergency Medicine: Hypoglycemia
Pediatrics, Hypoglycemia, emedicine free online medical reference textbooks definition- In children and neonates, a value of blood glucose below 40 mg/dL represents hypoglycemia. Patients with hypoglycemia.
Links to overviews, clinical trials, treatment programs, research projects, case reports for hyperglycemia.
Topica Email List Directory for Hypoglycemia
Join Hypoglycemia Recipes mailing list.
Hypoglycemia - MotherNature.com Health Encyclopedia
MotherNature's huge, doctor-authored Natural Health Library answers all your questions. Risks, signs, remedies, and information on Hypoglycemia given.
General Practice Notebook - Hypoglycaemia
Clinically-oriented information.
Treating Insulin Reactions
In association with Hypoglycemia. Symptoms and treatment information given through the ADA.
Iatrogenic Hypoglycemia and Malpractice Claims
Abstract, report cases, discussions, and references.
Hypoglycemia Links and Information
Links to hypoglycemia related pages, plus a listing of hypoglycemia related organizations.