Lactose Intolerance
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Web Pages
Steve Carper's Lactose Intolerance Clearinghouse
Includes basics for beginners, a guide to dairy and nondairy products, a milk-free bookstore, answers to questions, online resources, and research summaries.
No Milk Page
Annotated links to sites for people wishing to avoid dairy products for health or other reasons. Examples are lactose maldigestion, milk allergy, milk protein intolerance, casein intolerance, and the vegan diet.
Lactose Intolerance
Discussion and management of Lactose Intolerance.
Dairy Free UK
Resources and information for dairy allergy and intolerance.
Kirsten's Lactose Intolerance Website
Information about the condition and its prevalence, advice and resources for living lactose-free, discussion forum, and other resources for the lactose-intolerant.
About symptoms, causes, milk alternatives, dairy-free recipes, and other related topics, including Irritable Bowels Syndrome. Promotes several books on lactose intolerance and milk allergy.
No Cow's Milk for Me Thanks!
UK website for people with lactose intolerance and cow's milk allergies. Advice about symptoms, test, and management, including finding dairy-free products.
Lactose Intolerance
Information page from the U.S. NIH National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
Lactose Intolerance
Management of lactose intolerance, including food alternatives like yogurt and chocolate milk.
Questionnaire on Lactose Intolerance
Research questionnaire investigating the eating habits, difficulties, symptoms and diet of lactose-intolerant people ages 18 and over. Available in several languages. Also general information and internet links on the condition.
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List
An open, unmoderated discussion list for those following a milk/casein/lactose-free diet, and for people with an interest in milk-free issues. Search the archives, join the list and post a message from this site.
General Practice Notebook - Lactose intolerance
Clinically-oriented information.
National Dairy Council: Lactose Maldigestion or Intolerance
Dairy industry information sheet on lactase deficiencies, with advice about milk products that some people are able to consume without symptoms.
Site dedicated to helping people with lactose intolerance. It contains lots of practical advice on how to shop and eat out and avoid products that contain lactose.
Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance
Informational site with a particular focus on lactose intolerance in Australia.
Topics in Osteoporosis: Lactose Intolerance
Summary discussion of the relationship of lactose intolerance and lactose maldigestion to loss of bone density. From NIH-supported resource center.
Provides general information for the lactose intolerant, with particular focus on Australia.
Virtual Hospital: Lactose Intolerance
Information sheet for medical providers working with adult patients provides a brief overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of this condition.