Substance Abuse
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Web Pages
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
CSAP is the sole Federal organization with responsibility for improving accessibility and quality of substance abuse prevention services.
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
Resource for current and comprehensive information about substance abuse prevention and treatment.
Illegal Drug Use Statistics
Information on the use and abuse of illegal drugs in the United States. Provided by the National Center for Health Statistics.
Council on Prevention Education: Substances
COPES provides consultation, education and training services on substance abuse prevention. Its major interests and activities are directed toward substance abuse and violence prevention in communities and personal growth for youth and families.
Methamphetamine Addiction and Recovery
Medical, treatment, and self help group information. Personal stories. Pictures of various forms of crystal meth.
Drug Abuse Statistics
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration presents national and state prevalence and trends in illegal drug use, the non-medical use of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
Articles on all of the major categories of drugs from alcohol and nicotine to crack cocaine and heroin.
American Baptist Churches Resolution on Alcoholism and Chemical Dependencies
Actions and attitudes that American Baptist Churches are encouraged to take to help people with alcoholism and substance abuse problems.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
Think tank that focuses on the study of all forms of substance abuse, and how it affects society.
MEDLINEplus - Drug Abuse
Resource that provides links to a wide range of substance abuse resources, provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
International Coalition for Drug Awareness
A group of physicians, researchers, journalists, and concerned citizens dedicated to educating others about the dangers posed by many Rx medicines.
VirtualKid Teen - Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Simple explanation of alcohol abuse written for teens. Site includes similar pages about other drugs.
Courage To Change, P.C.
Bilingual individual & group therapy for alcohol & drug Dependency, marital counseling, anger management.