1918 Pandemic
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Web Pages
The American Experience - Influenza 1918
Information on the film from the PBS series. Features maps, timelines and people and events relating to this outbreak.
A Doughboy's Lungs Yield 1918 Flu Virus
An article from Science News Online describing the exhumation of one of the victims of the pandemic and the retrieval of a virus sample from his tissue.
Influenza 1918, A Venus Connection?
An American suggestion that some viruses come from outer space led British astronomers to hypothesize that Venus was a likely origin for solar-wind borne liquefying bacterial invasions.
Bubonic Plague: Far from the Deadliest Epidemic
Compares the severity of historical bubonic plague pandemics to the Spanish Influenza pandemic.
The Spanish Influenza 1918
Extensive directory of links to sites about the pandemic.
The Flu Pandemic of 1918: Is a Repeat Performance Likely?
Part 1 of a 2-part article from Disaster Relief.
Eighty Years Later, Threat of Influenza Pandemic Remains Large
Part 2 of a 2-part article from Disaster Relief.
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
History of this pandemic, the public health measures taken to limit it, and the efforts of scientists to pinpoint its cause.
The Pennsylvania Gazette: The Flu of 1918
An account of the outbreak based on contemporary newspaper accounts of the its progress through Philadelphia.
Is Another Influenza Pandemic Coming Soon?
Article from Infectious Disease News describing the investigation of a Spanish influenza sample found in WWI soldier's lungs. [Requires free registration]