Support Groups
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Web Pages
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Support and hope to those parents who bring home a technologically enhanced child.
Information and support for parents of premature babies.
Parents of Premature Babies (Preemie-L)
Support mailing list for parents of children born 6 weeks or more before their due date. The site also includes open archives for the list, a discussion forum, FAQs, and newsletter.
Bonnie Babes Foundation Home Page
Organization that is caring for families who have lost babies from miscarriage, stillbirth, and prematurity.
Preemie-child: Children born premature who are now school age.
Support for parents of children who have disabilities or special needs due to prematurity. Numerous articles by parents and professionals, mailing list, bulletin board, and annotated resources.
Baby's Play: Preemies Support Forum
Support for parents and families of children who were born prematurely.
BIBS: Babies in buscot support group
BIBS supports the families of premature babies born in the neonatal ward of the Royal Berkshire hospital in Reading England.
Yahoo Groups: E-mail community for preemies
Listserv for parents or caregivers of preemies to discuss their concerns and share tips for taking care of these special little ones.
A discussion group. You can search archives, join and post a message from this site.
Pregnancy After a Premature Birth
A support and resource site for women that are pregnant after having had a preemie or considering trying to conceive again after a pre-term birth.
Preemie Chat
Provides support for the parents and friends of the premature infant to exchange ideas and information. Supported by preemie manufacturers and suppliers.
Dads of Premature Infants
A support group for fathers of premature infants hosted by Yahoo.
Support group and chat for preemie parents hosted by Yahoo.
BURPs Stoke Mandeville SCBU parents and relatives support group
provides information for relatives of babies who have stayed in the Stoke Mandeville SCBU.
NICU Miracles
A non-profit organization helping bring warmth and love to premature babies in the first few days or months of life.
Heavenly Angels in Need
We are a group of people dedicated in helping babies in need. We make donations to NICU's and at risk pregnancy centers. We hope you join us in this ministry.
Miracle Walk to benefit the Saint Barnabas NICU
Started by one family in gratitute for the care their premature daughter (born 1 pound ten ounces) received during a three month stay at the Saint Barnabas NICU