Mental Retardation
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Children Who Are Mentally Retarded
From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, this defines what mental retardation means and how children are thriving in our communities today.
Mental Retardation Fact Sheet
Definition, teaching tips, and contact information from the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities.
American Association on Mental Retardation
Promotes global development and dissemination of progressive policies, research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual disabilities.
Medlineplus - Mental retardation
Summary and links to information on causes.
Best Buddies International, Inc.
Enhances the lives of people with mental retardation by providing opportunities for socialization and employment. Site describes programs and gives contact information.
UVa Special Education: Resources on Mental Retardation
Definition with links to resources.
Jablonski's Multiple Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation Syndromes
Database of structured descriptions of congenital abnormalities associated with mental retardation.
The Family Village - Cognitive Disability / Mental Retardation
Directory of contact information for organizations and links to information.
Psychiatric Assessment of the Person With Mental Retardation
Full text of a paper published in the Psychiatric Annals 27:3/March 1997.
Mental Retardation: A Symptom and a Syndrome
Full text of a paper published in the "Comprehensive Textbook of Child and Adolescent Disorders".
Mental Retardation. ERIC Digest E528
Basic information on mental retardation including definitions, statistics, educational implications, and additional readings.
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews
Journal information, table of contents, and online order form.
Mental Retardation and Psychiatry
Links to articles from psychiatric journals.
National Association of QMRPs (NAQ)
Resource for research, networking, and addressing issues that concern Qualified Mental Retardation Professionals (also known as Case Managers).
It's OK to Be Different
Highlights some of the ways students with multiple disabilities and mental retardation are taught. Includes informational links to some of the conditions the students in this class possess.
The Merck Manual -- Mental Retardation
Causes, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, with links to related disorders.
Death Penalty and Mental Retardation in the U.S.A.
Since the U.S. death penalty was reinstated in 1976, at least thirty-five people with MR have been executed in the United States. They cannot understand fully what they did wrong. Many cannot even comprehend the punishment that awaits them.
The Arc
Voluntary organization committed to the welfare of all children and adults with mental retardation and their families. Formerly ARC, Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States.
International Order of Alhambra
A fraternal order of Catholic men dedicated to assisting persons developmentally disabled by mental retardation.
President's Committee on Mental Retardation
The PCMR acts in an advisory capacity to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on matters relating to programs and services for persons with mental retardation.
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID)
An international and interdisciplinary scientific organization to promote worldwide research and exchange of information on intellectual disabilities (mental retardation and related developmental disabilities) .
Arc of Chester County
Empowering individuals with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities and their families.
Greene County Board of Mental Retardation
A description of the programs and services available through the Greene County, Ohio, Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Kristina House Foundation
Florida-based foundation which provides care for the developmentally disabled. Information on services, news, as well as donation information.
Help Foundation
Serves children and adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities in northeast Ohio - care, education, and housing.
Down Home Ranch
Working farm and ranch for those with mental handicaps.