Web Pages
CancerLinksUSA: Stomach Cancer
Offers information about the condition.
Cancer Group Institute: Stomach Cancer
Provides summary information in a fact sheet format.
Methodist Health Care System: Stomach Cancer
Summary information aimed at patients.
Mamas Health: Stomach Cancer
Summarizes areas of information related to the disease including types, progression and treatment.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund: Stomach Cancer
UK charity offers information including prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Also provides details on fundraising.
University of Chicago: Stomach Cancer
Discussion of the condition aimed at both the lay and professional levels. Stomach Cancer
Comprehensive information from this U.S. National Cancer Institute resource.
MEDLINEplus: Stomach Cancer
Links about the condition from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
CancerBACUP: Stomach Cancer
Online booklet from this UK organization covering such topics as symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Stomach Cancer
Oriented to traditional and alternative treatment approaches.
WebMD: Stomach Cancer
Addresses the basics in an understandable style.
University of Michigan: Stomach Cancer
Overview of this subject with a substantial links section.
University of Kansas: Stomach Cancer
Links to related resources.
Your Cancer Risk: Stomach Cancer
Risk factors. Link to a related questionnaire.
iVillageHealth: Treating Stomach Cancer
Gives treatment overview.
NetDoctor: Stomach Cancer
General information from this UK resource.
John Wayne Cancer Institute: Stomach Cancer
Concise view of topics related to this condition.
El Salvador Atlas of Gastrointestinal Video Endoscopy
Extensive collection together with case reports of gastric cancers. Stomach Cancer
General information oriented to treatment options, including links to related matters.
Johns Hopkins: Stomach Cancer
Introductory information about diagnosis and treatment options. Contact details given.