Congestive Failure
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Web Pages
At the Heart of Life Saving
Information on the cardiac chain of survival, treatment of sudden cardiac arrest and automatic external defibrillation.
Texas Heart Institute
Discusses what congestive heart failure is, as well as who is at risk and the causes. Lifestyle changes, medications, surgical procedures and other issues are presented.
Heart Point
Explains what heart failure is, symptoms, what to watch for, evaluation, prognosis, medication other related issues.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
A look at heart failure, exploring the causes, treatment, diagnosis and the general outlook.
Heart Failure Society of America
Free patient education materials. Education modules and current news.
The St. Luke’s Heart Failure Program
Offers information on the most recent treatment options available. Among these are proven medications, mechanical heart assist devices, and surgical interventions including transplantation.
Learn all about the symptoms, treatment and types of heart failure. Discusses surgery and patient outlook.
Dr. Reid's Corner
An article describing what congestive heart failure is.
University of St. Thomas
Provides general and specific information regarding congestive heart failure. Details on what it is, treatment and symptoms are some of the topics discussed.
Healing Arts Center
Details of congestive heart failure as well as a list of therapies that are available such as homeopathy and herbs.
Web MD Health: Congestive Heart Failure
In depth discussion on all topics relating to CHF, such as causes, symptoms, diagnostic procedures and a look at American Heart Association classification of heart failure.
The Helena Cardiology Clinic: Congestive Heart Failure
Brief discussion on symptoms, salt intake, medications and exercise. Very detailed information and pictures of testing such as echocardiogram.
Provides self-monitoring tools, educational resources, and online support communities for those with congestive heart failure.
Cardiology Associates: Patient Resources
Looks at what congestive heart failure is. Discusses outlook for patients, patient concerns, as well as symptoms, causes, diagnosing and treatment.
Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire
The questionnaire provided is a measure of the patients' perceptions of the effects of congestive heart failure on their lives.
Kantrowitz CardioVad
A mechanical device that helps the failing heart work more effectively. It is being used in a small group of patients with severe chronic congestive heart failure. Offers patient and physician information.
Discusses the congestive heart failure, explaining what it is, symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosing.
A discussion as to what congestive heart failure is, what is being done about it and what the future holds.
Heart Site
Details about congestive heart failure, explaining what it is, symptoms, treatment, how common and how serious it is.
South Shore Medical Center of Westchester
An article explaining congestive heart failure including its symptoms, treatment and diagnosing.
Your Family Doctor
Description of heart failure, its causes, diagnosis, treatment and when to call a physician.
Methodist Health Care System
Looks at congestive heart failure, discussing what it is, symptoms, diagnosing and treatment.
Health Square
Extensive view on congestive heart failure with a list of do's and don't to assist the patients. Education as to when the doctor should be called, when to seek medical assistance.
Seton Heart Center
A look at the facilities and the heart failure team as well as information about this disorder.
Information about CHF such as the symptoms, causes, treatment and studies being done. Also some links to other resources.
Jon's Place
Extensive database about heart failure, patient-run and patient-oriented. Message boards, chat, medications, surgeries, alternative and low sodium cooking are a few of the many topics discussed.
Cardiology Channel
Information on diagnosis and treatment of congestive heart failure monitored by board certified Cardiologists.
eMedicine - Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema
Dr. Shamai Grossman offers a detailed clinical report on congestive heart failure and its most severe manifestation, pulmonary edema. Includes a section on emergency treatment.
Cut to the Heart
Includes a history of surgery, congestive heart failure and treatment, treatment techniques, images of troubled hearts, and a map.
California State University, Fresno, Department of Nursing
A look at congestive heart failure from a medical point of view.
Northern Arizona University
A brief explanation of congestive heart failure with a very extensive listing of medications use to assist the patient.
Baylor College of Medicine
In depth look at congestive heart failure. Includes education of the family and care giver and seeking out precipitating causes for prevention.
Revitalizing a Failing Heart
Precise diagnosis and therapy restore function and extend life for patients with congestive heart failure. Jesse Green, PhD; Senior Director, Clinical Evaluation and Outcomes Research.
The Physician and Sportsmedicine: Congestive Heart Failure
Resource for those who are active or wish to begin being active. Discusses causes of exercise intolerance, exercise benefits, an exercise prescription as well as what to look out for.
Cardiovascular Institute of the South
An article by William R. Ladd, M.D., Director, Nuclear Cardiology. Discussion about congestive heart failure and some underlying causes.
Drugs Used for Treatment
Extensive look at congestive heart failure and the types of medications of choice.
Congestive Heart Failure
The CHF team goes into detail about what this disorder is. Includes topics such as symptoms, medications, rest, activity, salt intake, diet, fluid management and weight gain.
Success with CHF
Research clinic specializing in the treatment of heart failure, offering information for patients as well as health care professionals.
Heart Failure Online
Information as to what CHF is, how the heart works, living with CHF, as well as symptoms, tests and other related topics.
Congestive Heart Failure in the United States: A New Epidemic
Gives statistics, using graphs within the article to show the number of deaths, men to women ratio, and hospitalization data, to name a few. Research and prognosis is also discussed.
Carilion Health System
A brief look at congestive heart failure and its signs and steps to controlling symptoms. A look at their own facilities for cardiac patients.
Preventing Congestive Heart Failure
American Academy of Family Physicians. An article by JAY N. COHN, M.D., University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati
Information about congestive heart failure in children, provided by nurses and physicians.
Huffington Center of Aging: Congestive Heart Failure in the Elderly
In-depth look at this disorder. Some of the topics covered are diagnosing, education for patient and care giver, prevention, and treatment.
Cardiology Associates: Patient Information
Presents an extensive article about congestive heart failure, discussing topics such as, what it is, the types, causes, diagnosing, treatment, how it is to live with and the outlook.
Centenary Cardiology Associates
An in-depth look at the causes, symptoms, treatment, surgery and the future of congestive heart failure.
Beryl: Health Care
Detailed description of congestive heart failure and related subjects. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and some guidelines for living with it.
University of Louisville School of Dentistry
Details about congestive heart failure and guidelines for dentist in managing patients with this disorder.
Heart Failure
Offers an overview, support groups, find a cardiologist, chat and further resources.
WebMD Health
Consumer health information about heart failure. Includes questions to ask your doctor, exercise, warning signs for a silent heart attack and a look inside the failing heart.
Yahoo Health: Congestive Heart Failure
Resource for congestive heart failure. An in-depth look at this and related disorders.
Mayo Clinic: Congestive Heart Failure
A description of the condition, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, complications, treatment and prevention.
NewsRx Report Series on Heart Failure Therapy Research
Information, and news on Heart Failure Therapy Research with's series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports. Heart Failure
An explanation, the causes, symptoms, complications and treatment are discussed here.
Heart Failure GAP Project in Oregon
HF GAP in Oregon is an effort to improve care for heart failure with education and tool-based application of the ACC/AHA Heart Failure Guidelines at the point-of-care in physician practices.
American Heart Association: Congestive Heart Failure
Detailed information about this topic as well as links to related subjects such as enlarged heart, high blood pressure, kidney function and cardiomyopathy.
Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Heart Failure
PDF download from the American Heart Association.
Mid America Heart Institute
Information on congestive heart failure.
Failing Hearts
A community-based clinical forum for healthcare professionals involved with the diagnosis and treatment of acute heart failure.
Battle Creek Health
A guide to understanding and management of congestive heart failure. An overview, brief discussion of the heart, symptoms, treatment and eating healthy are covered.
Deborah Heart and Lung Center: Patient Information
Explains left and right sided heart failure. The causes, diagnosing, treatment and management are discussed.
An article on what congestive heart failure is, causes, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment, activity, diet, possible complications and prognosis.
Congestive Heart Failure
Canadian site looking at prevention and treatment as well as evaluation of this disease.
Lycos Health with Web MD
An overview of congestive heart failure, the treatments available, diagnosing, self-care and support resources.
Research Foundation Florida Cardiovascular Institute
Offers a patient manual about congestive heart failure. Discussing different aspects, medications and their possible side affects as well as sodium restriction.