Support Groups
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Web Pages
Peer Support Training Institute
Training program for police officers offering support for other officers in need of psychological help.
Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma Inc.
To improve the quality of life for refugee and migrant survivors of torture and trauma in Queensland.
Wounded Healer Journal
An online community which features resources and peer support for victims and caregivers of those dealing with post trauma issues.
Trauma Anonymous
12-step recovery program for PTSD.
Jims PTSD Home Page
Support group and information about recovery.
PTSD Support Services Program Page
PTSD Support Services offers consulting and information on PTSD to groups and organizations that may deal with the effects of war, and victims of incest, natural disaster, rape and other violent crime.
The Phoenix
Newspaper devoted to recovery: physical, mental and spiritual.
Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group
Support group in Queensland, Australia, formed for education and advocacy in addition to support.
Work Trauma Support Group
Author of a book describing people traumatized at work has organized a support group.
Still Rising: A Resource for Survivors of Childhood Abuse
Links to articles, websites, and chats covering the many aspects of abuse and its aftereffects.
Survivors On the Net
A self-help, support and information group for adult survivors of childhood abuse, their partners friends and family; based in the UK.
Christian Abuse Survivors
Support forums, poetry, and resources for survivors of child abuse.
Rainbow Hope
Dedicated to providing support for lesbian survivors of abuse and their loved ones.
Rape Recovery Help and Information
Offers hope and support to rape trauma survivors and partners through email support and more; long list of resources.
Still Waters Run Deep
Learn the truth about childhood sexual abuse. Meet and interact with other survivors. Discover ways to deal with the fallout.
Survivor's Sanctuary
Message forums, chatroom, and personal accounts of survivors of trauma.
Let's Hope
Support site for abuse survivors or people suffering from PTSD. Also includes message forum for those who have worries or concerns about this topic.
Abuse Survivors Healing
A safe haven for recovery from sexual abuse, providing survivors links, professional resources links, meditation room, poetry, and an online therapist search link.
Surviving Together
West Coast Post-trauma Retreat
Emergency worker (law enforcement, firefighter, and EMT) that has been involved in a traumatic incident or incidents and needs help in dealing with it.
CISM - Critical Incident Stress Management Peer Support Training Seminars
Critical Incident Stress Management (CSIM) Peer Support Training Seminars for transportation, airlines, border patrol, Corrections, Correctional Service, Customs, Canada Customs, Mental Health Professionals, EAP, disaster and military.
International Brotherhood of Walking Wounded
Resources for PTSD veterans and their families, chat room and message forum, treatise "The Long Journey Home".
Gift from Within Support Pals
A service to give survivors the opportunity to connect emotionally with others about what they are feeling and experiencing.
Support group for those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Healing Together
Information about mental health, human rights, adult survivors of childhood abuse and support.
The Healingroom
Online support group for adult survivors of childhood abuse. Includes chat, mailing list, and message board.