Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Immune_Disorders>Auto-Immune>Sarcoidosis>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Bert's Place
A brief description of a personal experience with sarcoidosis and a few links.
Kipy's Place
Extensive list of links and Kipy's personal experience of sarcoidosis. Kipy also hosts a weekly chat support group in the SarcoidBuddies Chat Room on Wednesday nights 10pm to 11pm (EST USA).
My Life With Sarcoidosis
This patient describes what it's like and what she had to go through to get a diagnosis. Links to other sarcoidosis sites as well as information on tests needed to diagnose this disease.
Laurie's Sarcoidosis Page
Includes a personal account of living with sarcoidosis, a poem, links and updates on her progress.
DonnaG - My life with sarcoidosis
Donna's story of what she has had to endure with friends, family and her struggle with sarcoidosis. Also includes brief description of the illness.
Joseph McLaurin's Sarcoidosis Page
An extensive list of support organizations in the USA, and a list of related links.
Kid Five: Sarcoidosis
Contains a patient survey, the author's story, information on the condition, and links.
Luiggie's Sarcoid Connection
Live chat, support group for members, links to articles, and list of upcoming events.