Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Neurological_Disorders>Chronic_Fatigue_Syndrome>Personal Pages
Web Pages
CFS Sofa
Contains a description of chronic fatigue syndrome, essays on life with the illness and other related information.
Dream - A Changing Life with M.E.
An honest, candid and personal account of the ups and downs from three years living with this illness, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Listening to CFIDS
Dedicated to giving voice to chronic fatigue syndrome patients, to educate about the devastation it can cause in its wake, to list resources and to encourage activism.
M.E. and I
Our life with chronic fatigue syndrome: a final essay written by Betty Wilson, who suffers from this illness.
Diary of a Chronic Fatigue Endurer
A personal story of 20 years of putting up with CFIDS and what has been learned. Links and resources such as diet, exercise, depression and many more topics.
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
A personal site by Jaime Wellman whose goal is to improve the awareness and accessibility of information concerning chronic fatigue syndrome.
CFS Days
Information on chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and the healing tonic of a good laugh at them.
PatPM's CFS/ME/FMS Individual Activist and Advocacy Site
Chronic fatigue syndrome information.
Do Not Give Up
The personal experiences of Babs with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Christian-oriented with links to other helpful sites.
The Fibro/CFS Foothold
An eclectic set of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia resources, humor, stories and information.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - One Man's Recovery
A personal story of recovery from CFS which contains many helpful and practical suggestions
FMS-CFIDS Information
Medical Information for FMS and CFIDS as well as help locating a doctor, journal.
Helpful CFS Site
My story of my life with CFS, with personal ideas and reflections on how to cope.
Living and Hoping Beyond Affliction
One woman's personal journey through fibromyalgia, CFIDS, and immune related illnesses. Alternative therapies, supplements, choices, energy tips, and resources.
Recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Provides help and advice on how to recover from CFS based on the author's personal experience.
Cartoons About Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and MCS
A twisted look at life with disability - features cartoons and humor writing by Sharon Wachsler about living with chronic illness.
In Bed With My Doona
A personal site on life with ME/CFS,including my story, what ME/CFS is, useful links, and a forum.
Recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A Web site about recovery based on sharing personal experiences with recovery from CFS.
Behind the Mirror - The Illness Experience
A personal take on CFIDS, expressed through poetry, essays and prose about what it is like to be severely and chronically ill, by a woman with ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.
ME and Ophelia
Personal blog of a severely affected ME/CFS sufferer living in England; about life in general and how it all impacts on new lifestyle management programme and battle for more energy.
A Christian Perspective on M.E.
A personal view of M.E. (a type of chronic fatigue syndrome) and what can be done about it, from a Christian point of view.
Experiences of an M.E sufferer
My personal experiences of M.E or chronic fatigue syndrome listing symptoms and living with the illness
Online Diary Of A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sufferer And Editor Of A CFS Web Site
An online personal diary of the day-to-day experiences of a long-time sufferer of Chronic Fatigue/Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome sufferer.