Conditions and Diseases         
Web Pages
Goats Pre/Post Kidding Preparations for Dairy Goat Does and Kids
Prepared by Dick and Anne Pigman, Wooden Bridge Ranch, California.
The Holistic Dairy Veterinarian
Articles about holistic health therapies and medicine, related to livestock.
External Parasite Control in Goats
An article by P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler - provided by EDIS, the official reference source for all current UF/IFAS reviewed and approved numbered publications.
Caprine Veterinary Reference
Reference list put together by goat breeders - veterinarians listed state by state.
Goats - Poisonous Plants
Artificial Insemination Of Dairy Goats
This publication discusses use of frozen semen to artificially inseminate does. From the New Mexico State University.
Meat Goat Herd Health Management
An article by J.K. Shearer - provided by EDIS, the official reference source for all current UF/IFAS reviewed and approved numbered publications.
GoatWorld 911 Emergency Contact List
Goat World provides a comprehensive information and community site where goat people can discuss care, breeding, buying, selling, and just having fun raising goats of all kinds!
An email list to discuss holistic health care for your caprine friends. Information on how to join; message archives for members only.
Small Ruminant Genetics
Reproductive services and genetics for the sheep, goat and farmed deer industries. Includes catalog, services, and fees.