Web Pages |
Child Nutrition Program |
Helps child care centers and homes serve nutritious meals and receive as much money as possible from the CACFP. |
Nutrition For Kids |
Discover innovative and fun nutrition resources aimed at educators, parents and those who care about children's health. |
KidsEatGreat.com |
Providing information on the proper nutrition for kids. Find articles on the latest health news on nutrition and kids and subscribe to their news letter. |
Primary Care Pediatrics - Food allergy |
Search for the most recent journal editorials, review articles, consensus or policy statements, updates, guidelines, protocols, meta-analysis and evidence-based-medicine evaluations. |
Association for Children's Nutritional Growth |
A nonprofit Texas organization which has sponsored the Child and Adult Care Food Program. |
Living Without Milk |
Providing milk and butterfat allergy and lactose intolerance information, non dairy cooking information, and access to the No Moo Cookbook. |
Childhood and Adolescent Obesity |
Assessment, treatment, and prevention of childhood and adolescent obesity. |
Nutrition and Recipes for Kids |
Parent forum focused on discussing nutrition and recipes for children and other topics such as picky eaters, introducing foods to infants, and toddler nutrition. |
Food for Tots |
Information and facts about nutrution for toddlers and preschoolers. Find out about food allergy, food safety, nutrition, recipes, and cooking tips. |
Child Nutrition Home Page |
School lunch, school breakfast, special milk, summer food and child/adult care are some of the topics discussed at this site. |
Munchkin Munchies Message Board |
Message board to share early feeding tips and homemade recipes for your weaning baby or fussy eater. |
Children's Health - Nutrition |
A series of articles on nutrition for children about healthy habits, food choices and special concerns. |
Vegetarian Baby and Toddler E-News |
A resource for vegetarian children under the age of three. This e-mail news comes out approximately once a month and lists special offers, updates to the website, recipes, resources for parents and articles of interest. |
Healthy School Meals Resource System |
Providing information to persons working in USDA's Child Nutrition Programs. |