Web Pages
U. S. Public Health Service Bicentennial
On-line exhibits and videos of significant events to help people learn more about public health and the history of the PHS.
International Network for the History of Public Health
Supported by the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health and cooperates with other institutions and foundations to promote the study of the history of public health.
CDC Public Health Image Library - PHIL
An extensive collection of still images, image sets, and multimedia files related to public health.
The Public Health Museum in Massachusetts
Extensive exhibit information and photographs about public health in Massachusetts.
50 Years of International Public Health
Articles of the World Health Organization's contributions to Public Health over the past 50 years.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Historical highlights.
Images From the History of the Public Health Service
An online version of Images from the History of the Public Health Service; A Photographic Exhibit by Ramunas Kondratas, Ph.D. printed in 1994 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Public Health Service.
John Snow and Cholera
The life and times of Dr. John Snow (1813-1858), with multimedia pages including the complete text of On the Communication of Cholera. Created by the Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health.
How the Other Half Lives
Studies of the Tenements of New York, by Jacob A. Riis, originally published in 1890. The Hypertext Edition, with illustrations, presented by American Studies at Yale.
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe
A hypertext archive of narratives and government records of Italian epidemics in the 14th century
Dr. Joseph Goldberger and the War on Pellagra
An essay on a pioneer in Public Health. Authored by Alan Kraut, Ph.D., Professor of History, American University.
Andrew Balfour of Khartoum
The career of this pioneer of tropical medicine. Vintage photographs and links are also included.
National Museum of Health and Medicine
Located in Washington D.C. with online exhibits and schedule of events. Learn the history of medicine and experience the extraodinary.
American History Sweatshop Exhibition
A pictorial tour of sweatshops from 1820 to the present. From the National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Official publication of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. Sample issue and table of contents only. Full text requires subscription to Project Muse.
Benjamin Rush and Yellow Fever
An on-line history of Dr. Benjamin Rush's efforts to fight yellow fever in America in the 1790s, by Bob Arnebeck, with documents from the period.
Buchan's Domestic Medicine
An on-line transcription of William Buchan's 1785 home medical guide for the treatment and prevention of disease in the 18th century
Life in Wisconsin Sanatoriums
Short memoir of life in two Wisconsin tuberculosis sanatoriums in 1920s, Hickory Grove and Muirdale, with photos and history of each. plus links to sites on TB.
In Memory of James Beattie Morison M.D.
In 1961 Dr. James Morison wrote an important paper on why people smoke: "Smoking Habits of Winnipeg School Children". He also wrote on nursing homes and public health.
Memoir of 1798 Yellow Fever Epidemic
Dr. Benjamin Rush's Memoir of the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1798
Clendening History of Medicine Library: Nightingale Letters
Exhibition of photographs and letters of Florence Nightingale pertaining to the history of nursing
Medicina Antiqua::Ancient Medicine::Hypertexts
English translations of texts by Hippocrates and Galen, including Galen's On the Natural Faculties and On Diagnosis from Dreams
Walter Reed Yellow Fever Papers at U. Va.
Personal and professional letters and documents written and received by Reed and his associates during their successful effort to prove the mosquito transmission of yellow fever
Germ Theory Calendar
A time line of all speculation on and experiments pertaining to the germ theory of disease beginning in 50 BC and going to 1900
Books and Documents Relevant to U.S. Military Medical History
Links to several on-line books published by the Army dealing with the history of epidemiology, preventative medicine and organization of the U.S. Army Medical Department and Medical Command
A Brief History of First Aid
Article about how the training of civilians in providing pre-medical care came about, beginning with the Order of St. John.
Edward Jenner
Includes e-texts of the three publications about smallpox vaccination.