RU-486 and Medical Abortion         
Web Pages
Reproductive Health Program at the University of Rochester
Information on abortion research and training.
National Abortion Federation - Abortion Facts
Fact sheets and patient education materials from organization of physicians and clinics that perform abortions.
Dangers of Herbal Abortion
Herbs can be used to end pregnancy, but can also pose serious dangers to the women who use them. Details and links to other resources.
FDA Warns Consumers on Dangerous Products Promoted on the Internet
Advice regarding a kit that inaccurately touts itself as a "complete kit for early pregnancy termination without surgery."
National Right to Life Committee
Describes several abortion techniques, possible physical and psychological complications, and possible alternatives.
Abortion and Breast Cancer
Citing medical journals, the National Cancer Institute refutes claims that elective abortion is linked to breast cancer.
Expanding Access Through Midlevel Providers
Materials from a 2001 conference that examined options for increasing global access to menstrual regulation and elective abortion. Includes case studies and links.
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
Large collection of material about evidence linking abortion to increased breast cancer risk, including reports claiming cover-ups by expert panels and researchers who have found no connection.
Planned Parenthood: Abortion
Provides questions and answers, fact sheets, and reports on abortion.
Surgical Abortion
Brief overview of the early surgical abortion procedure, including advantages and disadvantages. From Emory University Department of Gynecology and Obstretrics.
1 to 9 months - Abortion in India
Overview of procedures offered in India and laws respecting pregnancy termination.