Natural Family Planning
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Web Pages
National Association of the Ovulation Method of Ireland
N.A.O.M.I. assists women to appreciate their fertility throughout their reproductive life.
Twin Cities Natural Family Planning Center
Information on Ovulation Method, human fertility cycles, and other non-chemical approaches to family planning.
BabyCenter -- Pinpoint Fertile Time
Includes an ovulation calculator to help determine the most fertile days and gives a due dates.
Reliable Natural Birth Control
A natural method with no charting or program to learn.
Ways to Chart your Fertility Pattern
Planned Parenthood fact sheet on natural family planning, including methods relying on the calendar, body temperature, and cervical mucus.
Charting your Fertility Patterns
Explains how to chart basal body temperature for birth control or achieving a pregnancy. Includes sample charts in various formats for home use.
Astro Birth Control
Details about using calculation of lunar phases for a natural and effective method for birth control. Suitable for child planning and contraception.
World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings
Authentic information on the Billings Ovulation Method of natural family planning, research papers and teaching material. Established teaching locations in over 100 countries.
Natural Family Planning Inc
A non-profit New Zealand organization founded in 1974 to provide information and teaching about Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness.
Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network
Information on teaching providers in the area, with dates and locations of classes. Also information this form of birth control, who can use it and how to learn it.
Fertility Test Seen as Breakthrough in Pregnancy Prevention
Short news release tells how a fertility test is being described as a breakthrough in contraception.
Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning
Instruction for the Billings Ovulation Method. Animations and graphics on female reproductive physiology. Scientific verification. Teaching Centres worldwide.
The NFP Files
Collection of FAQs, articles, links, resources, and organizations that explain natural family planning as an alternative to contraception, sterilization and abortifacients.
Natural Family Planning
Brief fact sheet outlines the advantages and limitations of natural family planning, also called periodic abstinence, which requires users to practice abstinence during the fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle.
Axtronic Software
Computer program to determine up to 12.5 infertile days in the female cycle, time of ovulation, next menstruation and forecast accuracy. Freeware.
WOOMB 50th Anniversary Conference
International Jubilee Conference for the Billings Ovulation Method. Provides information on speakers and workshops.
Feminist Women's Health Center
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) for natural birth control.
Electronic fertility indicator. Product and contact information.
WOOMB Canada
Organization for the Billings Ovulation Method. Information about the method and contact information for instructors across Canada.
28 Days
Fertility Awareness Method software. FAM information,discussion forum, product information.
Fondation SymptoTherm
Swiss organization offering support and information on the Sympto-thermal method.
The Garden of Fertility
Comprehensive information on fertility awareness. Contact information, articles and links.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Toni Weschler's official site with information and software for the fertility awareness.
Fertility Friend
Free assistance and information for natural conception.
The Fertility Awareness Center
Fertility Awareness Center in New York City. Resources, contact and method information.
Electronic fertility indicator. Product and contact information. Also available in Russian and Lithuanian.
Natural Birth Control
Ovulation Method. Method and contact information.
Web Womb
Fertility indicator and pregnancy tests. Information on the Fertility Awareness Method. Product, contact information and charts.
Diocese of Orlando Natural Family Planning
Diocese of Orlando Natural Family Planning Resource Page. Provide information on NFP, NFP Class Schedules, Links, and NFP Information.
Hormonal Forecaster
Chart your fertility to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Also generate personal statistics, and forecast future moods and behaviors.
NFP for Palm OS
NFP for Palm OS, freeware program.
Conception Corner
Forums for discussion in reference to concieving and pregnancy.
BabyComp and LadyComp
Fertility monitor. Family planning information and technical data.
Iowa City Natural Family Planning
Information on Natural Family Planning (NFP) in the Iowa City, Iowa, USA, area.