Web Pages
Australasian Spinal Research Trust
Latest research results. How to donate and where funds go.
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
A national nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage and support research to find a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and related disorders. Including the latest news and progress in research studies.
Spinal Cord Research Centre
To inform prospective students and postdoctoral trainees, as well as others interested in spinal cord research, of the research underway at the Spinal Cord Research Centre.
Reeve-Irvine Spinal Cord Injury Research Center
Dedicated to spinal cord injury research and finding a cure for spinal cord injury and neural degenerative disease.
Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury
Provides a basic review of what is known about sexual functioning after spinal cord injury and the impact on patients.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Supporter of biomedical research on disorders of the brain and nervous system.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Units
Mission is the clinical application of research which has been responsible for many major developments made in the orthopaedic and burn care fields.
Spinal Cord Release
Report: Researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital have for the first time induced the growth of severed adult mammalian spinal cord fibers across the site of the injury.
Spinal Cord Injury: Advancement in Recovery and Research
Information on current research in spinal cord injurie and treatment.
Lois Pope Life Foundation
Life Fellows will help lead the way into the prevention and cure of neurological disorders, diseases, and spinal cord injuries.
Develops and markets implantable electrical stimulation systems that restore function to paralyzed muscles and limbs.
Quest for the Cure
Group of people dedicated to lobbying for more spinal cord injury research funding at the state and federal levels.
Rick Hansen Institute - Spinal Cord Injuries Research and Resource
Removing barriers that limit people with disabilities. Accelerating the pace to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. Rick Hansen, co-founder of the institute.
Cure Paralysis Now
Devoted to the advancement of the cure for spinal cord paralysis.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: Department of Neuroscience
Studies the spinal networks that regulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system
Pediatric Neurosurgery - Tethered Spinal Cord
Dedicated to providing families with information regarding various aspects of the field of pediatric neurosurgery.
International Spinal Cord Regeneration Center
Dr. Fernando Ramirez del Rio has quietly been working miracles in Tijuana Mexico for several years. He has had success regenerating spinal cords using Embryonic Cell Transplant Therapy.
Spinal Research Fund of Australia Inc.
Goal is to insure development of clinically useful treatments of people with a spinal cord injury.
Collaboration on Repair Discoveries
Spinal cord and brain injury repair research group at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Cleveland FES Center - FES Institute
A research consortium in Functional Electrical Stimulation.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation
A non-profit medical research organization dedicated to the advancement of clinical research and professional education in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and improvement of the quality of life of physically-challenged individuals.
Mike Utley Foundation
Dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and to providing financial support of selected research, rehabilitation and education programs.
Spinal Research  -  A cure for paralysis from spinal cord injury
The International Spinal Research Trust leads the way in finding a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord Society
International organization for cure, research and treatment of spinal cord injury paralysis and related problems.
Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
A Center of Excellence at the University of Miami School of Medicine, is the world's largest, most comprehensive research center dedicated to finding more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for paralysis that results from spinal cord injury
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research
Funds research in the rehabilitation of impairment, disability and handicap; including that due to spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, amputation, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and other disabling conditions.
UW Neurological Surgery: Clinical-Head and Spinal Cord Injury Center
Medical and surgical management of acute head and spine trauma and an active clinical research program.
Center for Paralysis Research
The Center for Paralysis Research develops and clinically tests novel methods of treatment for spinal cord injury and the effects of paralysis.
National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center
Supervises and directs the collection, management and analysis of the world's largest spinal cord injury database.
Yale and Alexion Report: Advance in Spinal Cord Repair
The report, entitled "Xenotransplantation of Transgenic Pig Myelin Forming Cells Promotes Axonal Regeneration and Restores Conduction Across the transected spinal cord," is based on research conducted in the laboratories of Dr. Jeffrey D. Kocsis of the Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, and Dr. William L. Fodor, Senior Director of Xenotransplantation at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and their colleagues.
Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center of Delaware Valley
In affiliation with the Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, is designated as one of the nation's 18 regional Research spinal cord injury centers, and the only one in the Delaware Valley.
Spinal Cord Research Center
Six members of the faculty of the Medical College of Pennsylvania/Hahnemann University are actively engaged in an innovative and multidisciplinary program for studying the pathophysiology and treatment of spinal cord injury.
Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System
Comprehensive website for spinal cord research and trauma. A partnership between Northwestern University, Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System/UW Rehabilitation Medicine
Federally-funded model spinal cord injury center. Website features newsletter, speaker series, patient education pamphlets, research and links to SCI-related sites.
National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research
Activities are in the areas of research , demonstration, dissemination and utilization and technical assistance.
Canadian Spinal Research Organization
Dedicated to the improvement of the physical quality of life for persons with a spinal cord injury through targeted scientific and medical research.
Spinal Cord Injury Research Links
This site has many useful WWW links for those interested in the cure for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and paralysis.
Stem Cell Research in Spinal Cord Injury
Summary of current research in treating spinal cord injury and the new applications of stem cells in that research.
The Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation
A nonprofit organization whose goal is to find a cure for paralysis by funding the latest in medical research and to provide assistance to those individuals that are suffering from neurological disorders.
Scientific American: Explorations
Spinal Cord Repair: Transplanted cells come to the aid of paralysis victims.
In Search of the Lost Cord: Solving the Mystery of Spinal Cord Regeneration
Complete text of Luba Vikhanski's book.
Spinal Cord Repair
Researchers now are uncovering ways to repair spinal cord injuries.
Spinal Cord Injury: Hope Through Research
Informational booklet about efforts to develop better treatments, compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Rehabilitation Process of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
This paper depicts the rehabilitation process and other aspects involved in aiding the spinal cord injured person to achieve optimal functioning physically, socially, and vocationally.