Personal Pages
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Web Pages
Aidan's Birth Story
Born at 35 weeks due to diabetes complications at 4 pounds, 9 ounces.
Benjamin Carlson
25-week Preemie weighing 1 lb 5 oz, 12 1/2 inches at birth.
Bissell Home Page
Meet our miracle twins who were born 3 1/2 months too soon. Both have special needs secondary to their premature birth.
Adventures of a HELLP Syndrome Baby
Delivered at 24-26wks gestation due to HELLP syndrome weighing 1lb, 9oz. Spent 5 1/2 mo. in NICU.
Baby Nick
Born March 23, 1996, 9 weeks early.
Bryce James Cutler
Includes photographs, stories about his birth and from his mother and related links.
Cayleb's Page
Cayleb born at 29 weeks gestation weighing 2 pounds 6 ounces.
The Beighley
Timothy was born 3 months premature with a variety of problems.
JJ's Web Site
Jacob Joseph was born 3 months early on August 7, 1998 weight 1 pd. and 14 ounces.
Chloe & Shannon's Amazing Story
The lives of Chloe & Shannon Harvey born 7 weeks premature due to pre-exclampsia in the mother, in the NICU unit in Scunthorpe General Hospital
Preemie Twins
Mallory Joan and Macy Annette were born January 27, 1994 at 27 weeks gestational age.
JJ's Journal of Life
Devoted to documenting the life and times of Jonathan James.
Alexandra's Birth Story
Born at 33 weeks, weighing only 3lbs. 5ozs.
Holly's Web
Holly Louise James was born, prematurely, on 19th September 1998. Originally an online diary of her fight for life, her site is now a valuable source of support and information for other parents of premature babies.
Ashley's Family's Journey
Ashley was born at 24 weeks gestation weighing 1 lb., 1oz.
Inkans Preemie Home
Inkans PROM story, bedrest-tips, The PROM Page, Antons birth story with many pictures & sounds of Anton and links to more than 110 preemie-stories in order of gestational age.
Introducing Amanda
Amanda was born 7 weeks early on 5-18-98.
Death of an Infant
A mom's story of loss of her twin sons. Links to support groups and other resources are provided.
Premature Babies UK
A site designed and produced by a mother of a premature baby to help others in similar situations. Contains personal story, causes, and links.
The Danika Diary
The story of Danika Brousseau, born 8 weeks premature.
My Preemies
Katie is building a site for her two preemies - Sean and Mark
Connor's Story
Connor was born premature on July 26, 1996.
The Cooper Family
One family's experiences with the premature birth of their daughter, Amanda.
John Henry
Born on March 14, 1995 at 24 weeks gestation weighing 1 pound 11 ounces (760 grams).
Chloe Elizabeth Lewis Story
Chloe Elizabeth born 26 weeks and 5 days. Her status is updated daily
Donnie and Rita's page
Information about premature twins and NICU
Ernie Anderson's Family page
How one family managed the first few months of their premature daughters' lives. Plus updates and pictures.
Very Important Preemie
Samuel was born 17 weeks premature.
Little Miracle Jake
Preemie Jacob was born at 30 weeks after many miscarriages, a stillbirth and another miscarriage. He is truly a little miracle.
Williams Miracle Preemie Page
Born at 22 weeks this is the story of a miracle named William.
Peg's Place
Jake's Room is dedicated to my son, Jake, who was born at 35 weeks.
A website dedicated to our 2 children, Lexi and Jared. Lexi was born 1 pound in 1998 and Jared was born 2lbs in 2000. Resources and support group information are available.
An Early Start
This is the story of my son, born at 32 weeks with permanent kidney damage & underdeveloped lungs. Each photo gallery celebrates an important event in our miraculous journey.
Amazing Grace
Grace Susan Victoria Bruckman was born on October 30, 1997 and weighed one pound, four oz.
Jordan and Trevor
Story of birth at 25 weeks gestation. Trevor died a few hours after birth but Jordan had no problems and is doing great.
Detje's Page
History of our daughter who was born at 24 weeks and is now 2 years old.
Buggy's Life
Buggy was born 6 and a half weeks prematurely, weighing 5 lbs 8.5 oz, and critically ill. He is developmentally delayed, but he has come far from his lowest weight of 3 lbs, 13 oz.
Jeff's Life
Essays about Alex, born 6/14/98 weighing one pound and five ounces.
Sarah's Site
Sarah was born at 28 weeks due to the HELLP Syndrome.
Jordan's Preemie Page
Premature baby site, pictures links and information.
Sharon's Preemie Page
Sharon was born after 29 weeks and 4 days of gestation because the placenta was a little bit in front of the cervix, which is called placenta previa.
Emily's Miracle Story
Follow the progress of a preemie born 15 weeks early through pictures, updates and videos.
Mitchie's Story
Mitchie, came into this world 8 weeks premature and survived against some pretty unfavorable odds.
The 2 Monkeys Twins Page
Hailey & Nick are fraternal twins born almost 3 months early in the 29th week of pregnancy.
Vicky's Web Page
Patrick was born 26 weeks weighing 690 grams.
Marilyn's Diary
Marilyn was born on November 12, 1996 in Snellville, GA after 26 weeks of gestation.
Trace Christopher's Preemie Page
Trace Christopher was born at 26 weeks weighing only one pound, seven ounces (660 grams)due to HELLP Syndrome.
Peter's Story
Peter William Munson was born Tuesday, May 9, 1995 at 10:56 p.m. MST. Much to the dismay of his parents, Tom and Dawn, this was ten weeks before he was due.
Sienna's Story
Sienna Emily, through her parents, Ruben & Debbie Aleman, tell the miraculous story of her birth at 26 weeks and her survival against the odds.
Tobias Preemie Page
The story of Tobias from Sweden. Born 9 weeks early. Pictures of him and links to other preemies.
Miracle Caleb
Caleb was born at 25 weeks gestation.
The Story of Sandra
Sandra, a 28 weeker preemie born in January 1997 due to pre-eclampsia.
Preemie Nicholas Smith
Story about a premature infant and his family.
Our Cyberscrapbook
The story of the Craig Family. Information on cerebral palsy, prematurity, conductive education, and other things.
Lauren's Story
Story and pictures of preemie Lauren
Sioned Morgan
Born 14 weeks premature, read her story.
Scott's Homepage
Scott's life and times in the NICU.
Preemie Extraordinaire
Bo was born 16 weeks early at 24 weeks gestation, weighing 1 lb. 3 oz. His story is included in the site, along with many pictures of his life.
Nicholas' Playpen
Nicholas' story of being born eight weeks premature.
Miracle Babies
The story of premature twin boys born at 29 weeks gestation.
Our Itty Bitty Miracle
Jamie Marie-born at 27 weeks weighing 2-lbs.11-ozs.
Precious Preston
Preston burst into this world on the evening of July 13, 1998. This was quite a surprise to his parents since he was not expected for another 7 weeks.
Frida's Page
The story of Frida who was born 8½ weeks early.
Oliver's Story
The site provides information on eclampsia (otherwise known as Toxemia, PIH or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension), premature babies plus the record of Oliver’s short life following his death in a medical accident.
Ashleigh-Summer was born by emmergency C-Section 2nd June 1996 weighing in at 2220 grams at 33 weeks gestation.
A story of an 11 week premature baby.
Sam - The Escapades of a Preemie
Born July 20, 1995, almost 11 weeks early, weighing 1265g (2 lbs., 9 oz.).
Official Lil'Ribbit Homepage
The story of Nicole Gregory, a premature baby who died from complications.
Preemie Twin's
Ashli and Austin were born at 24.5 weeks gestation. Read their stories and view photos.
Tommy's CyberNursery Preemie Web
One of the longest standing and most popular preemie parent sites on the Web.
Goodale Family Homepage
Jeremy was born at 29 weeks in August of 1997.
Funn at Finn's/Born Too Soon
all about our son, Finlay ("Finn"), who was born at 25 weeks, 4 days, gestation.
Carolynn's Story
A mother's story about her daughter and her fight to survive.
Alanah's ECMO Story
The story of our daughter with information about what ECMO is and how it saved her life.
Janae Kristine
Twin daughter Janae was born 14-15 weeks premature.
Michael Little Judge
Download the tribute song written for preemie Anthony who, sadly, passed away.
Cole's Story
The story our son Cole, born 9 weeks premature at 2lbs 15oz.
Kendra's Story (born at 27 weeks)
Story of Kendra, a miracle baby who couldn't wait 9 months to be born, includes her struggles and outcome.
My Anastasia
Entering this world weighing 1 pound 5 ounces, she is now a healthy and thriving young girl.
Zeth - born 3 months premature
Zeth Richarson Yabut was born 3 months premature. He weighed 1100 grams. A complete record of his growth and the NICU experiences - with pictures.. Lots of pictures.
Brendan's Den
Read Brendan's preemie story, and enjoy his life through pictures.
All About Candice
Born at 30 weeks.
Our Two Miracles
The story of the Rogodzinski twins, born premature, with one diagnosed as having Cerebral Palsy. A story of courage and a desire to beat the odds.
Shayna Dori in the NICU
Shayna Dori was born at 29 weeks, 2 lbs 2.6 oz
The Story of a premature birth
Story of Daniel - born 16 weeks early, & the affects on his parents lives.
Austin, Connor, and Kennedi's Triplet Page
Our triplets were born on 11/17/97. Learn about them as we update you on their progress.
Raychel Ann's Page
This is a daily journal of Raychel's life in the NICU. She was born at 24 weeks weighing 707 grams and stayed in the hospital for 119 days.
Ayden and Zac - Premature Twin Boys
This site provides regular updates on "Ayden and Zac - Premature Twin Boys" Their first exposure to life, their medical complication, success storeys, etc. An accurate picture of what parents of premature babies live through daily.
A Preemie Web Site!
Outstanding resource for preemie or premature baby parents featuring preemie pictures, numerous preemie stories, a preemie portal to many other sites, preemie blogg for parents to share their premature birth stories, and poems and prayers for their babies.
Franklin's Homepage
A website about Franklin, who was born three months prematurely (at 27 weeks) weighing only 2 lbs, 6 ozs. Includes pictures of his stay at the NICU and his healthy time at home.
Ashley and Friends Place
Our daughter was born at 25.5 weeks. She was one pound, eleven ounces. This is our story along with helpful information regarding preemies, problems in a pregnancy and a loss of a baby.
Samuel's Premature Birth Story
Read about Sam born 12 weeks early and the many struggles he faced.