Peptic Ulcer
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Helicobacter Pylori   Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome      
Web Pages
Medinfo: Peptic Ulcer
Information for patients including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment and prevention.
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Peptic Ulcer
Information and discussion concerning causes, symptoms and treatment of peptic ulcers. – Smoking and Peptic Ulcers
Describes the harmful effects of smoking on the digestive system and provides links to smoking cessation tools.
McKinley Health Center: Peptic Ulcers
An overview of the condition listing origins, common features, complications, and treatments.
Ulcers and Bacteria I
A paper on the development, science, and acceptance of the bacterial theory by Dr. Paul Thagard, Director of the Cognitive Science Program at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
Mamas Health
Learn about ulcers and what causes them.
A brief definition of peptic ulcer, followed by links to overviews, research articles, diagnosis and treatment, case reports and diets.
Chinese Traditional Medicine
Describes in detail how TCM practitioners in China solve peptic-ulcer with traditional Chinese strategies and herbs.
Pediatric OnCall
A time tested home made remedy for the treatment of acidity.
Dietsite: Diet for Peptic Ulcer Disease
How to avoid foods that may cause gastric irritation and excessive gastric acid secretion.
Three Rivers Endoscopy Center: Gastroscopy
Information for patients describing the use of the endoscope in diagnosing and treating ulcers of the stomach and other conditions.
Ask Dr. Weil: Peptic, Duodenal, or Gastric Ulcers
Covers conventional and alternative treatments including diet, deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), aloe vera juice, cayenne pepper, and stress reduction.
eMedicine – Peptic Ulcer Disease
Dr. George Fantry reports on symptoms and treatment of stomach and duodenal peptic ulcers often caused by Helicobacter pylori infections, NSAIDs, or stress.