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Web Pages
Steve Dunn's Kidney Cancer Page
Comprehensive information from a survivor especially oriented to treatment options, with links to discussion groups.
Associated Urologists: Kidney Cancer
Provides overview information in an illustrated FAQ format.
UrologyChannel: Kidney Cancer
Gives summary information on an number of topics including risk factors, diagnosis, staging and treatment.
NCI: Kidney Cancer
Resource of the U.S. National Cancer Institute which touches on some of the less common manifestations of the disease.
MEDLINEplus: Kidney Cancer
Links format topics provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Cancer Group Institute: Kidney Cancer
Basic general information is provided in a fact sheet type format.
Understanding cancer of the kidney
Online booklet from the UK organization CancerBACUP addresses such topics as symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Summary information about kidney cancer provided by this University of Missouri resource in a fact sheet format.
What You Need to Know about Kidney Cancer
Online booklet from the U.S. National Cancer Institute aimed at patients and caregivers. Kidney Cancer,
Gives overview information.
Kidney Cancer Trials
In-depth information on select renal cell cancer clinical trials including literature references, patient stories and evaluations.
ARC: Archive of Renal Cancer
Organized references about the treatment of kidney tumors.
WebMD: Kidney Cancer
Consumer health resource which provides access to general information.