Web Pages
Kidney Stones
Fact sheet from the Kidney Foundation of Canada.
The Kidney Stone Web Site
An educational resource for kidney stone sufferers with reasons for concern, description, location in the body, and more topics.
Kidney Stones in Adults
Overview pamphlet including clear illustrations, causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment options from the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse.
UCLA Kidney Stone Treatment Center
Information about anatomy, symptoms, treatment, predisposing conditions, and definitions.
Kidney Stones on the Net
A personal story with links to other information and personal sites.
Kidney Stone Center
Definition, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and six different treatment options.
Kidney Stone Photographs
Pictures of kidney stones and their chemical compositions.
Cystinuria Support Network
This web site covers all aspects of this genetic kidney stone condition and is written by members of the network. A non profit self-help organization.
Urology Channel
Information from leading Urologists about diagnosis, treatments, and prevention of kidney stones.
Urology Notes
An in depth look at kidney stones from the causes, to surgical removal. Written by Rufus Green Jr., M.D.
Everything about kidney stones, including what it is, who gets it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, research and prevention. What foods to watch out for.
Methodist Health Care System
A look at kidney stones and what they are, who gets them, types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
National Women's Health Information Center
Explains what kidney stones are, the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Some resources listed for more information.
National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Information on when to call the doctor, what the kidneys do, what kidney stones are, what they look like, what can be done about them, diagnosis, prevention and some points to remember.
Natural Health Link
Detailed information on kidney stones, the symptoms, treatments, prevention and related nutritional supplements and herbs.
Chinese Traditional Medicine and Kidney and Urinary Stone
Describes in detail how practitioners in China solve urinary calculus with TCM herbal products and herbs. Information about TCM books, qigong, tuina and acupuncture included.
Diet in Kidney Stones
Find out about the right kind of food, from Pediatric Oncall.
Pediatric Oncall
Offers information about urinary stones in children.
Pediatric On Call
A time tested homemade remedy for the treatment of kidney stones.
Midwest Stone Institute
Causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of kidney stones.
Digital Urology Journal
Overview including symptoms and treatment options for kidney stones.
Yahoo! Groups: Kidney-Stones
Features an open forum support group for people who are affected by kidney stones. Joining instructions, read messages, and submit a post.
Patient Guide To Kidney Stones
The site was developed by a nephrologist at New York University for people with kidney stones. It emphasizes the medical and dietary prevention of stones.
The Forums
A place for individuals affected by cystinuria to learn and connect with others. - Kidney Stones
Article outlining the causes, treatments, and the truth behind kidney stones.
Kidney Stone Symptoms
Discusses how mineral crystals build up to cause kidney stone symptoms and how stones affect the urinary tract. Defines urology.