Schizoid Personality
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Web Pages
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Site provides American and European descriptions of the disorder along with brief outline of treatment paradigms.
Psychodynamic Roots of Schizoid PD
Developmental disorders and the psychodynamics of the Schizoid PD.
PTypes - Schizoid Personality Disorder Criteria
Looks at the disorder from the four perspectives of psychiatry: disease, dimensional, behavior, and life story, and includes links to the other resources.
Dual Diagnosis and the Schizoid Personality Disorder
Symptoms and treatment of schizoid personality disorder combined with substance abuse.
The Difference Between Personality Disorders
The differences between the schizoid personality disorder and other personality disorders highlighted.
Schizoid Personality: Functional and Structural Domain Descriptions
Theodore Millon's brief description of schizoid personality disorder together with a diagram.
Comparison of Schizoid Personality Style and Disorder
Compares the schizoid personality style with the schizoid personality disorder.
Yahoo! Groups: Schizoid
Discussion group for people with schizoid personality disorder or similar disorders. Includes links, files, chat and polls sections.
Oppressed Group: Schizoid A Personality Not a Disorder
Expresses the author's view that the schizoid personality is not a disorder but rather a style and that mental health professionals use the term "disorder" as an oppression tool.
Cluster A: Schizoid Personality Disorder
Contains a table summarizing mental health, treatment and addiction issues.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Deals with diagnostic criteria, treatment, description, differential diagnosis and the author's personal observations regarding SPD.
Psych Central: Schizoid Personality Disorder Treatment
General treatment guidelines for schizoid personality disorder, including psychotherapy, medications and self-help resources.
Treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorder
Disscusses psychotherapy, group therapy, medications and self-help.
FAQ of Schizoid Personality Type
Contains a list of questions and answers about this disorder.
The Personality of Technology
Contrasts the personality of mechanical technology (obssessive-compulsive) with the personality of electronic technology (schizoid).
Schizoid Personality Disorder - Online Diagnosis
Online diagnosis of schizoid personality disorder based on the patient's symptoms. Requires paid subscription.
Polymorphism in Dopamine and Cluster A PDs
Abstract of the article "The Relationship between Polymorphism in Exon 6 of the Dopamine D2 Receptor Gene (DRD2) and Cluster A Personality Disorders in Men."
Wikipedia - Schizoid Personality Disorder
Gives the diagnostic criteria for SPD and differentiates SPD from similar disorders
Screenplay Systems : Schizoid Personality
Introduces some movies that depict people with SPD.