Personal Pages
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Web Pages
ChinaRose's Endometriosis Awareness Site
Information, research, theories, personal experiences and stories, as well as alternatives.
Chris' Endometriosis Page
A personal story of a woman's daily struggle with endo. Lots of information and links to other endo pages.
Endometriosis: Does It Affect You?
Personal experience and recommendation from an endometriosis sufferer.
Natural Treatment of Endometriosis
Describes personal experience in successfully treating endometriosis by diet, exercise and natural medicine.
Kt's Place
A personal story of endometriosis as well as links.
Annie's Endometriosis Page
Information and resources, tips on relieving endo symptoms, and the author's personal experiences with dealing with endo and treatment.
Antonia's Story
One patient's description of endometriosis plus links to other sites.
A personal story about a woman with endometriosis.
Empty Arms
Personal account of a battle with endometriosis, infertility, and an eventual hysterectomy. Symptoms, an open letter, and related links.