Support Groups
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Web Pages
American Mental Health Association
Schizophrenia, depression, bipolar and schizoaffective disorder, NBD, alcoholism, and drug addiction are discussed in terms of cause, treatment, prevention, recovery, and online self-help therapy.
Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks
Gamian is a not-for-profit international organization and is a nonpolitical and nonsectarian network of organizations and individuals concerned about mental health.
Friendship Network - Mental Health Recovery
A unique non-profit organization which introduces single men and women recovering from mental illness to one another.
The National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers, Inc.
Advocating for mental health patients and professionals via educating the general public about good mental health care and by standing up to fight managed care's abusive practices.
NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill)
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a not-for-profit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses.
Jewish Association for the Mentally Ill
The only Jewish charity concerned exclusively with serious mental illness, and with the devastating impact it has on the lives of sufferers, their families and all who care for them.
Mental Health Recovery
Articles on recovery from the label of mental illness, self-help and rehabilitation information, and news.
National Mental Health Awareness Campaign
Provides help and hope for those in crisis, working to eliminate stigma of mental illness that may prevent people in crisis from seeking help.
Jung Circle
Support for a drug free recovery approach to schizophrenia in Australia.
National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems
The Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System and Client Assistance Program (CAP) comprise a nationwide network of congressionally mandated, legally-based disability rights agencies.
Death from Ritalin: the ADHD Truth
Information for parents about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)when considering treatment with Ritalin. Includes information on alternative treatments.
The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses
A resource site for parents, suggesting alternatives to the biomedical mental health industry.
The Art of Healing - National Artists for Mental Health, Inc.
National Artists for Mental Health, Inc., a recipient-driven organization, using a holistic approach for healing to promote self-help recovery for all recipients of mental health services.
People Who Experience Mood Swings
For people who experience mood swings, fear, voices and visions, containing a number of resources and articles.
Fresh Air - Experiences & Poetry
Contains stories, experiences, art and poetry submitted by those affected by mental health issues or diagnosed with mental illness.
Asperger Syndrome
Parents of children who are diagnosed with AS provide information and resources., The Schizophrenia Home Page
Discussion site with chat and message boards for families and for consumers diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Non-profit forum offering support to people who are in, or have been in a relationship with a person suffering from NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). The site has links, reading material, and a chat forum for members.
CommunityZero - "The Synergy Network"
A on-line community dedicated to assessing the more radical side of mental health politics, alternative perspectives, self-help, activism and potential political alliances.
National Empowerment Center
Practical information and techniques for recovery from mental illness.
Praying Hearts Sanctuary Christian Support Group
Prayer and support group for mental health and for people dealing with mental illness.
Recovery, Inc. Self-Help Mental Health
Offers techniques to regain mental health - without charge - at weekly meetings around the world. Especially effective for panic attacks.
San Joaquin Psychotherapy Center
A leading clinic for medication free treatment of mental illness.
Safe Child
Concerned parent provides information on some of the harmful side-effects from many psychiatric medications as well as support groups and contact information.
Mental Health Matters
A directory of Mental Health sites, including alternative resources, support groups, and patient's rights.
Depression Resources
Information on setting up a support group and links to other support organizations.
Mental Health Sanctuary
Online resource for patients, families and professionals in mental health. Articles, resources, chats, bulletin boards and support regarding a variety of mental health disorders.
The Center for Reintegration
Organization dedicated to assisting those with schizophrenia and related disorders in their efforts to return to a meaningful life that includes family and friends, independent living and competitive employment.
VISIONARIES: making dreams become reality!
A nonprofit, educational organization whose mission is to inspire and support individuals in following their waking dreams. Members receive newsletter and agree to offer their services to other members at reduced rates.
Singingheart, Inc. sobriety, recovery and mental health service
Singingheart is a non-profit, all volunteer, organization dedicated to mental health and recovery services and education in the San Diego area.
Advocacy West Lancs
Information on the different types of mental health advocacy offered. The site includes upcoming events and training courses and the local Patients Council.
Fight For Kids
Educational resource for parents concerned about diagnosis of Learning Disorder (LD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).