Personal Pages
Home>Conditions_and_Diseases>Communication_Disorders>Hearing>Deafness>Personal Pages
Web Pages
Mosier, Teri
Deaf attorney in Louisville, Kentucky. A resume with links and published articles on the ADA, links pages for deafness related website, links for disability related websites, links for government and legal websites.
Jacob's World
Life experiences of a deaf child with a cochlear implant.
Linda's Helps for the Hard of Hearing
This site is about my adult-onset deafness, my cochlear implant, and has some teaching tools for helping people communicate effectively with the hard of hearing.
My Childrens' Journey
A mother's story of her two daughters, both born with auditory neuropathy, and each girl's cochlear implant surgery.
Personal viewpoints on deaf education and employment opportunities.
Grant W Laird Jr.
Photo album, family tree, and links to information on deafness.
Bethan Stephens
Deaf student. Includes journal, poetry, and essays.
The Experience of Deafness
Personal experiences of a late-deafened adult, including problems encountered, philosophy on becoming deaf, and goals to achieve.