Angina Pectoris
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Web Pages
Med Info
Information about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of angina pectoris.
Special Medical Report
The American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association and the American College of Physicians­American Society of Internal Medicine have developed recommendations for the management of chronic stable angina.
Health Factsheets from BUPA
Explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of angina. Available for down loading in Adobe acrobat format.
Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina
A report of the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Committee on Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina.
Facts About Angina
Detailed look at this disorder covering what it is and what brings it on, heart attack and angina, diagnosis, treatment, exercise, stable and unstable angina, and the types.
Natural Angina Pectoris Cure
A discussion on the use of zinc for treatment of this disorder.
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
Explanation of what angina pectoris is, the symptoms and what a person should do when they occur.
Living With Angina Pectoris
A look at this disorder and what it means, the pain and what may bring it on, and suggested lifestyle changes.
Medceu Course Material: Angina
Discussion on stable and unstable angina, variant and Prinzmetal's angina, testing, treatments, and invasive procedures.
Nicore Inc
Information about the ECP external counterpulsation unit which is a cardiac care therapy that provides relief from angina pectoris without surgery or medication.
Surgical laser therapies for treatment of severe angina, chest pain and advanced cardiovascular disease through TMR Transmyocardial Revascularization and PMR Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularization.
eMedicine - Angina Pectoris
Cardiologist offers a clinical overview of this condition that often leads to chest pain in patients with coronary artery disease. Includes emergency care information and prevention tips.
Chest Pain, Acute
Flowchart. Instructions for use to determine if the chest pain could be a heart attack. The Medical Resource
Looks at angina pectoris and explains what it is, the heart attack risks, diagnosis, treatment and the types. Angina
Explains this disorder and its causes, testing, and treatment. Looks at other causes of chest pain other than angina.
From Explosives to the Gas That Heals: Nitric Oxide in Biology and Medicine
This article describes how researchers came to an understanding of how an explosive chemical can also relieve the pain caused by cardiovascular disease.
Some of the topics covered are diagnosis, treatment, exercise and stable and unstable angina.
Mamas Health
Contains information about angina, the symptoms, the types and some statistics.
NewsRx Report Series on Angina Research
Get the latest information and news on Angina Research with's series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.
American Heart Association
A look at the drugs and procedures used to treat angina pectoris. How to treat variant and Prinzmetal's angina and important changes to look for.
Stable Angina GAP Project
SA GAP in Alabama is an effort to improve care for stable angina with education and tool-based application of the ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM Stable Angina Guidelines at the point-of-care in physician practices.
eMedicine - Acute Coronary Syndrome
Serious condition that may occur in heart disease and angina patients. Symptoms may include chest pain and palpitations caused by myocardial ischemia.
RxMed: Ischemic Heart Disease
Provides a detailed description, causes, signs and symptoms, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medications, activity, diet, possible complications and a prognosis for angina pectoris.
HeartGen Centers, Inc.
Discussion about Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) in the treatment of angina or chest pain. Case histories and details about insurance are provided.
Offers information on external counterpulsation for treatment of angina, chest pain, coronary artery disease and heart failure.
Offers non surgical EECP treatment for sufferers of angina at a number of locations throughout the United Kingdom. - Angina and Heart Disease
Explanation as to what angina is, how to tell if heart disease is present, the treatments and side affects, and the prognosis.