Web Pages
Measles -
Features symptoms, immunization, and incubation period for rubeola.
Rubeola (Measles)
Also know as red or hard measles. Is best known for its typical skin rash. It is, however, a respiratory infection. Includes symptoms, treatment, prevention, incubation period, and duration.
Whale: The causes, therapies and vaccination. Includes a look at the risks of this disorder and the use of remedies such as homeopathy, naturopathy and nutritional medicines.
Dr. Greene's HouseCalls
Answer to the question if it is possible to get the measles after immunization. Explains if, and how and why it is possible, as well as treatment.
Rubeola hub
A brief definition of rubeola, followed by links to overviews, research articles, prevention and treatment
HealthCentral - Pediatrics Encyclopedia - Rubeola
Includes symptoms, prognosis, cause, complications, and tests.