Mitral Valve
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Web Pages
Florida Institute For Cardiovascular Care
The Mitral Valve Prolapse Center specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, research, education, and support. Includes information about the center and its services.
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Learn about MVP, its symptoms, arrhythmias, chest pain, heart sounds, regurgitation, endocarditis, heart failure, valvular disease and other related topics. An email group for support and regular newsletters is available.
Valvular Heart Disease Case 4: Mitral Stenosis
Study of a 46 year old woman who presents to the emergency room with palpitations and severe dyspnea.
Information on drinking fluids, caffeine, sugar, fats, sodium and other nutrients and issues pertaining to mitral valve prolapse are discussed.
Methodist Health Care System
A brief look at mitral valve prolapse and its treatment.
A Case History
A 41-year-old white woman arrived at Uchee Pines Institute in a wheelchair. Mitral valve prolapse was diagnosed and the report talks about the disorder and some of the symptoms found. Guide Mary Shomon
A look at the connection between heart palpitations, mitral valve prolapse and thyroid conditions.
Mitral Valve Prolapse: Benign Syndrome?
A look at the book by Sharon Anderson, M.A. which took 15 years to research and write. A glimpse of the author and comments from the medical professionals, prominent writers, the media and the public.
The Mitral Valve Prolapse Center of Alabama
Antibiotic information, treatment, newsletter, support groups, list of books, and links are found at this site.
The Physician and Sports Medicine
Mitral valve prolapse in active patients: recognition, treatment, and exercise recommendations.
Yahoo Health
Extensive database about mitral valve prolapse and everything associated with it. Alternative names, symptoms, treatment, when to call your doctor are but a few things covered.
International Institute of Sport and Human Performance
A detailed look at mitral valve prolapse including heart murmurs, detection of heart valve abnormalities, exercise, endocarditis and prognosis among other things are discussed. Written by Christopher Berger.
Mitral Valve Prolapse: Its Affects On You and Those Around You
A personal story about MVP. Some surveys you can participate in and see the results of. A support group is also available.
Heart Point
Information about mitral valve syndrome and related disorders, along with some pictures of how the valves work.
Patient's Heart Page
Descriptions of both mitral valve prolapse and the syndrome with symptom lists.
Postgraduate Medicine: Patient Notes
Matthew J. Sorrentino, MD, contributor. An explanation of mitral valve prolapse as well as diagnosis and treatment.
When the Ticker Clicks
Information about mitral valve prolapse, diagnosis, treatment, symptoms and other related issues.
Information about mitral valve prolapse, detailed picture of the heart, diagnoses, evaluation and treatment.
The Holistic M.D.
What is mitral valve prolapse? Explains symptoms, diagnosis, exercise. For those seeking alternative treatments, nutritional therapy and natural relaxants.
My Mitral Valve Prolapse Story
The author's personal experience with MVP.
Mitral Valve Prolapse
A personal site with links and message board for support.
MVP Links
A collection of resources relating to mitral valve prolapse syndrome/dysautonomia and this disease.
Information from Your Family Doctor
A look at mitral valve prolapse with a discussion about the valve, what MVP is, symptoms, treatment and some considerations as sports and antibiotic prophylaxis.
Chronic Mitral Regurgitation
A look at this disease and its alternative name, the causes, and risk factors. An Overview
A definition of mitral stenosis, as well as alternative name, causes, and risk factors are discussed by
Acute Mitral Regurgitation looks at this disorder and its alternative name, the causes and risk factors.
What Causes Mitral Valve Prolapse?
Considers the case that magnesium and other nutritional deficiencies leading to defective hyaluronic acid may be a significant factor in MVP and its associated conditions.
Ask Dr Stoll
A different perspective on mitral valve prolapse.
Skyline Family Practice
Covers topics such as historical background of mitral valve prolapse, preventing complications, as well as treatment, symptoms and diagnosing.