Web Pages
Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine
Offers masters degree in traditional Oriental medicine, massage certificate programs. Santa Monica, California.
Midwest College of Oriental Medicine
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Racine, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois.
Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Multilingual site. Nanjing, China.
Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine
Offers Master's Diploma in Acupuncture. Sugar Grove, North Carolina.
Institute of Chinese Herbology
Home study program. Oakland, California.
Institute for Teaching Contemporary Acupuncture
Two-day intensive course for medical doctors offered by Dr. Sylvain Faust. Multilingual site. Belgium.
The New York College for Wholistic Health, Education and Research
Programs include acupuncture, Oriental medicine, Chinese herbal medicine and AMMA Therapy® Program (Oriental bodywork). Syosset, New York.
Online Chinese medicine classes and conferences. Multilingual site. Acupuncture School FAQs
Guide to acupuncture and Oriental medicine schools and careers.
Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture
Degree programs in Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbology. Scottsdale, Arizona.
East-West Center
Oriental health therapy seminars both local and travel-study. Iowa City, Iowa.
American International Acupuncture Institute
Provides training in Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Dr. Stanley L. S. Chang, founder. Brooklyn, New York.
Samra University of Oriental Medicine
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Los Angeles, California.
American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Houston, Texas.
The Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences
Offers a four year full-time Diploma program in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nelson, British Columbia, Canada.
Bastyr University
Offers graduate program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Kenmore, Washington.
International Institute of Medical Qigong
Medical qigong instruction and certification. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, founder. Pacific Grove, California.
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
Offers Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Portland, Oregon.
Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences
Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine degree program. Oakland, California.
Tsukuba College of Technology
Department of Acupuncture/Moxibustion offers 3-year program. Multilingual site. Japan.
Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Offers Master's degree program in Traditional Chinese Medicine, continuing education courses. Denver, Colorado.
Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Offers Master of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Program. Los Angeles, California.
Minnesota Institute of Acupuncture and Herbal Studies
Offers master's degrees in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. Bloomington, Minnesota.
Tai Sophia Institute
Offers Master of Acupuncture degree. Columbia, Maryland.
White Pine Healing Arts
Instruction in Chinese herbology and Integrative Mandala Acupuncture. Sharon Weizenbaum, founder. Amherst, Massachusetts.
Kansas College of Chinese Medicine
Offers diploma and certificate programs in tuina (Oriental bodywork), acupuncture and herbal medicine. Wichita, Kansas.
Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin
Offers accredited Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, Oriental bodywork. Austin, Texas.
International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
Offers seminars in acupuncture for physicians and medical professionals. Carefree, Arizona.
International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
4-year Doctor of TCM Program. Victoria, BC, Canada.
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
Master's level program in classical Five Element Acupuncture. Hallandale, Florida.
College of Integrated Chinese Medicine
Offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in acupuncture, alternative and Chinese medicine. Reading, United Kingdom.
Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
4-year, full-time course of study. Victoria, BC, Canada.
The Acupuncture Center
Links to educational resources.
American College of Acupuncture
Acupuncture training for physicians, dentists and veterinarians. Training in New York, New York and China.
Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Offers professional masters degrees in Acupuncture and Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Tucson, Arizona.
Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
Master's Degree program in Traditional Chinese Medicine/Oriental Medicine. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Atlantic University of Chinese Medicine
Offers Master's Level Diploma in Oriental Medicine. Mars Hill (Asheville), North Carolina.
DRU (Dongguk Royal University)
Graduate school of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Los Angeles, California.
China International Medical University
Offers Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Los Angeles, California.
British Medical Acupuncture Society
Training courses for medical doctors, dentists and veterinarians. 3-year program leads to accreditation and the Diploma of Medical Acupuncture. Cheshire, United Kingdom.
University of Bridgeport
Offers Master of Science in Acupuncture. Bridgeport, Connecticut.
South East Institute of Oriental Medicine (SEIOM)
School of oriental medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy in Miami, Florida. Specializes in physical medicine and oriental bodywork.
Dallas Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Offers Masters in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture degree in Dallas, Texas.
Toyohari Medical Association
Eight-weekend program in Japanese acupuncture offered to licensed acupuncturists and third year acupuncture students. Class locations worldwide.
Southeast Institute of Oriental Medicine
Master's level diploma program. Admissions policy, programs, clinics, workshops, and newsletter. Located in Miami, Florida.
Beijing Herbal Medicine Acupuncture Institute
Offers International Correspondence Program of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
University of Technology, Sydney
Department of Health Sciences offers programs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sydney, Australia.
The College of Chinese Medicine
The Acupuncture Society offers professional courses in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and acupressure. London and Middlesex, United Kingdom.
Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine
California school offers 3-year Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Institute for Traditional Medicine
Research, training, and therapy including Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Native American systems. Subhuti Dharmananda, director. Portland, Oregon.
Five Branches Institute
College and Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offers training towards a career as a licensed acupuncturist.
International Acupuncuture Academy of Bhupendra Techniques
Training programs offered by Dr. B.K. Singh in partnership with Langara College, Vancouver, Canada.
Japanese Acupuncture and Bodywork Institute
Continuing education in Japanese palpatory acupuncture for professionals and students. Sponsored by Robert Hayden, Chicago, Illinois.
New England School of Acupuncture
Offers master of acupuncture degree. Watertown, Massachusetts.
Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine
3-year clinically-based education in acupuncture, Chinese herbs and Chinese medical language. Seattle, Washington.
South Baylo University School of Oriental Medicine Acupuncture
Offers courses in acupuncture, Oriental medicine, acupressure, tuina massage. Programs provided in English, Korean and Chinese. Anaheim, California.
Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hawai'i
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Kamuela, Hawaii.
Traditional Chinese medicine correspondence courses.
Southwest Acupuncture College
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Campuses in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico and Boulder, Colorado.
Tai Hsuan Foundation College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Offers Masters Degree Program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Specializes in preserving an unbroken taoist lineage in the healing arts. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Mercy College
Graduate Program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science
Courses in acupuncture for doctors, acupressure, cosmetic acupuncture. Founded by Dr. P.B. Lohiya in 1983 in Aurangabad, India.
Integrated Medicine Seminars
Auricular therapy seminars for medical professionals. Taught by Nader Soliman, M.D. and Bryan L. Frank, M.D. Supplies available. Richardson, Texas.
Swedish Institute
School of Acupuncture and School of Massage Therapy is located in New York City. Classical Chinese Acupuncture program retains Taoist roots, including philosophical, psychological and theological aspects of Oriental medicine.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture
Postgraduate courses for licensed medical professionals and advanced students. Khosrow Khalighi teaches in San Francisco, California.
Five element acupuncture research and training for physicians. Based in La Jolla, California.
UCLA School of Medicine
Office of Continuing Medical Education offers Medical Acupuncture for Physicians Program in Los Angeles, California.
Dao Fellowship
Intensive acupuncture courses in China for medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and acupuncturists. Promotes studies and safe use of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Britain. Dr. Gilbert Shia, founder.
American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Specializes in Chinese herbal medicine. Four-year M.S. degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. San Francisco, California.
National Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture
Offers classical Chinese acupuncture courses. Main campus at Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Affiliated with the Open International University for Complementary Medicine.
Oshio College of Acupuncture and Herbology
Provides three, four, and five year academic programs in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Enrolling students three times per year in January, May and September. Located in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture
Teaches the oral tradition of classical five element acupuncture. Located in Louisville (Boulder), Colorado.
Martial arts and Chinese medicine. Calendar, healing arts center, massage therapy and bulletin board. Information for Northwest Wisconsin School for Oriental Bodywork Therapy.
Acupuncture Research Group
Research and education in acupuncture, TCM and low-level laser treatment. University of Innsbruck, Austria.
Wu Hsing Tao School
Seattle-based organization provides acupuncture healthcare, therapy, and education based upon the 5000 year old Five Element system of medicine.
Tole Institute of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Learn, train and work as a professional in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Isabell Gatto Method of Therapeutic Acupressure
Workshops offered in New Jersey.
Online continuing education courses for acupuncturists, nurses and other health professionals in English and Chinese.
Touro College
Graduate Program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in New York City.
Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture
Courses in classical acupuncture in Kelantan, Malaysia.
Vancouver Career College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Provides holistic health care training and includes on-site practicum. British Colubmia, Canada.
Northern College of Acupuncture
Offers degrees in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. York, UK.
American Institute of Alternative Medicine
Professional Master’s Level Acupuncture Program offered in Columbus, Ohio.
ToDo Institute
Non-profit educational organization provides educational programs in Constructive Living, Morita therapy, Naikan, Meaningful Life therapy. Middlebury, Vermont.
The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences
4-year acupuncture program. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
National College of Naturopathic Medicine
Classical Chinese Medicine program offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine. Portland, Oregon.
Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
In collaboration with the University of Western Sydney offers a Bachelor of Applied Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Courses and a clinic open to the public are available.
RMIT Chinese Medicine - Master of Applied Science
Designed to provide specialist postgraduate study in research. Major research focus includes clinical trials on chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.
East West College of Natural Medicine
Oriental Medicine Program. Sarasota, Florida.
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
Offers Masters and Doctoral degree programs in Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine, and Massage/Oriental Body Therapy certificate programs. Campuses in San Diego, Chicago, New York. Accredited. Financial aid available. Provides continuing education with Pacific Symposium.
Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Training in acupuncture, herbology, and tui-na massage. St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida.
Blue Poppy Seminars
Professional seminars and continuing education. On-site and distance learning. Division of Blue Poppy Enterprises, Boulder, Colorado.
Cecilia Yankelevish de Caceres - Professor of Acupuncture
Offers courses in acupuncture for professionals.
International Institute of Chinese Medicine
Offers Master of Oriental Medicine degree program. Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico.