Fasting and Cleansing
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Web Pages
Vibrant health starts from a clean bowel. Learn here how to achieve that. Comprehensive internal organ cleansing information. Fasting, colon cleansing, juice fasting and semi fasting.
High-content site on detoxification with special emphasis on techniques for cleansing particular systems. Chapter on probiotics.
HealthWorld Online: General Detoxification & Cleansing
Elson Haas (M.D.) presents an excellent, comprehensive primer in detoxification.
HPS-Online: Helping People Survive online
Content on fasting, colon cleansing, intestinal health care, auto urine therapy, and other preventive and alternative health care therapies.
HealthWorld Online: Fasting
Elson Haas (M.D.) talks about the benefits and possible hazards of fasting. How to fast; how to time your fast; how to break your fast. Section on juice fasts.
Health and Beyond Online
Collection of natural health articles devoted to detoxification through diet and/or fasting.
Fasting to Freedom
Excerpts from the book by Ron Lagerquist and Michael McGregor.
Colonic International Association
Colon hydrotherapy a healthy move. List of registered colonic therapists in the UK.
The Colonic Network
A directory of colon hydrotherapists worldwide and online catalog for equipment and supplies for LIBBE. Also offering I-ACT certification courses.
Triumph over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet
A personal story of a young man who, though receiving treatment for ulcerative colitis, was approaching death. He fasted for over 40 days and recovered health and enjoyment of life. By Dr. Jack Goldstein.
Health4Her: Detoxification
Offers information with a definition, causes, lifestyle and dietary changes as well as supplementation.
Colon Health
Nutritional Consultant, Colon Therapist assists your health and healing-candidiasis, cancer, chronic fatigue, intestional disorders, diabetes, other imbalances-hard to find health products.
NCAHF - Position Paper on Colonic Irrigation
National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF): "Colonics has no real health benefits, but does have a number of serious hazards."
Detoxification Therapies
Article by Gary Null and Barbara Seaman.
The Miracles of Islamic Fasting
Offers information and the advantages.
Deep Down Wellness
Site describes how to perform several cleanses, such as a gallbladder, kidney, a total-body detox and a 10 day Chinese cleanse.
Arnold Ehret Health Club
Fasting for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation. Includes an free online book.
International Association For Colon Hydrotherapy
Referrals, information, schools, membership information, recommended equipment manufacturers.