Web Pages
An explanation of this disease and its causes.
Osteomalacia as a Cause of Chronic Pain
A case study of a 36-year-old woman presented with a three-year history of bilateral leg and back pain, and proximal leg weakness.
Osteomalacia Hub
A brief definition followed by links to research articles, overviews, case reports and images.
Signs and symptoms are discussed, diagnosis and treatment. Also symptoms in children.
Oncogenic Osteomalacia
Presentation of clinical features, pathophysiology and therapy.
A description of this disease with some images. Also a table showing a list of causes of osteomalacia and some of the biochemical abnormalities that can be seen.
Osteomalacia: WebMD/Lycos
Definition, causes, incidence and risk factors, symptoms, signs and tests, treatment, prognosis, complications, prevention.
An in depth look at this disease as to what it is, clinical manifestations, radiographs, histologic examination, laboratory aspects and references.