Teaching Methods
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Web Pages
Treatment and Education of Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH)
Structured teaching methods devised by Dr. Eric Schopler and Dr. Gary Mesibov of the University of North Carolina. This site has articles and how to sign up for training.
Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention
Behavioral intervention program developed in the Psychology Department of UCLA under the direction of Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas. It is based on extensive clinical experience and more than 35 years of scientific research.
Pyramid Educational Systems (PECS)
Home site of the Pyramid Education Consultants, the inventors of the Picture Exchange Communication System, a method of using picture symbols to facilitate communication for children with no verbal language.
Teaching Children with Autism
Encompasses a variety of instructional techniques and philosophies for teaching children with autism, plus applicable information for parents and professionals alike.
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
A Massachusetts based provider of applied behavior analysis that gives detailed information about autism, ABA, and clients' rights. What to look for in a behavioral program and what to look out for.
PDD/Autism Successful Strategies
Parent and Behavior Consultant provides helpful strategies to use at home and school.
Gentle Teaching International
A philosophy that facilitates self-determination by fostering loving trusting relationships between people with special needs and their caregivers.
World of Class 5: See How they Learn
Concise definition of autism spectrum disorder as well as information about teaching methods like Applied Behavior Analysis and Picture Exchange Communication Systems. Included are great classroom/home ideas, real work by real kids, and a listing of manufacturers of educational supplies and curricula.
Special Tools for Learning
Detailed information on using visual aids and instruction for people with autism and learning disabilities.
Social Skill Builder
SSB offers a series of interactive CD-ROM software programs for children who have difficulty with social behaviors and interaction. Resources target skills such as peer relationships, emotions, classroom and socially appropriate behaviors.
A special education resource for teachers of students with autistic spectrum disorder which includes: printable activity sheets, folder games, and communication augments. The links are specific to special education and autism.
AutismWeb: A Parents' Resource Guide
A guide to the diagnosis, treatment and education of children with autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). A comparison of teaching methods, plus a message board.
Teaching the Autistic Child
Strategies for engaging the autistic child in learning.
Wendy Hillier - ABA Consultant, Salt Lake City
Providing consultation and therapy to the Salt Lake Valley in the field of Applied Behavioral Analysis and Discrete Trail Teaching for children with Autism.
Autism: Interventions and Strategies for Success
Six articles by Susan Stokes on teaching methods and techniques, including assistive technology, structured teaching, communication, and learning styles in Asperger's Syndrome.
Relationships in the Spectrum - Exercises
A teaching method for helping autistic people understand the nuances of daily negotiated transactions.
The West Virginia Autism Training Center
Program of education, socialization, training and treatment at the Marshall University College of Education. Features mission statement, program history, description of services, links to related sites, and contact details.
The PLAY Project
Offers information on the Floortime Model, early intervention, expanding play, and on becoming an effective play companion. Hosted by the University of Michigan Health System.
Social Skills Training
Summary of a program designed for children with autism written by Scott C. Bellini for IRCA Articles, Access Autism. Features tips for developing a successful social skills class.
IconTalk - Autism Resources
Structured teaching approach, consulting and product information for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other severe communication problems.
Intro to Basic Concepts of ABA
Learn about the basic concepts in ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and how they can be applied to the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Autism How-to
Teaching programs addressing academic, behavioral, communication, readiness, self-care, and social skills needs of autistic people and their caregivers.